23 (The End)

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"If you ask what is one of the most enjoyable things in this world, I would say that it is surprising people suddenly and in an extraordinary way!"

-Mehmet Murat ildan-

It was raining outside. Raindrops that were gently and constantly hitting the railing of the balcony sounded like a lullaby to someone who was snuggling comfortably in bed.

Raining as always, she thought as she pulled the blanket up to her head. Wriggling to find some comfort inside her blanket, she grunted when her desk clock suddenly blasted a loud alarm sound. Ugh... Five more minutes, she whined silently.

Five minutes had passed, and once again the noisy clock startled her with its alarm sound. Another five minutes, she mumbled as she buried herself deep into the bed. Ah, so comfy.

Satisfied with all the comfort she had, she just hummed while smiling, when a pair of disappointed eyes judged her from the corner of her room.

The uninvited guest then silently took an empty space in the chair beside her bed. "Lazy bum," he said.

The girl stirred lightly in her sleep while fixing her blanket.

"Yow... Sleepyhead, wake up. You're late."

Then the alarm started to disturb her again.

"Ugh!" She kicked the blanket before she turned off the alarm harshly. "Ok, I'm up!" She snapped while grumpily stomped into the bathroom.

The person, who silently watched her, chuckled at her fussy morning mood. He circled the bedroom slowly and stopped at her desk to see a weekly planner attached to the wall.

My 10th birthday! (Wohoooo!!)
Math exam! (Boooo!!)

He read aloud, laughing at the notes she had written. "Poor you," he snickered. "10th birthday... Time indeed went by so fast."

A flashback from that day then came into his mind.

"He gave himself to save them. Don't ask me how and why because I, myself, and Namjoon don't have the answer."

"But... I don't understand... What do you mean by 'gave himself to save them'? Did... he sacrifice his immortality to-"

"I'm afraid that was the meaning of it," Namjoon said as he leaned against the wall of Seokjin's room.

"Huh?! But-"

"That's his decision, and I'm quite sure that he was aware of his own fate when he first met you, Taehyung."

He sighed heavily at the old memory of the day she was born. "What a bittersweet day."

Click. He turned around at the sound of the bathroom door. There was the birthday girl, rushing around the room to get ready.

"Where's my bowtie?!" She rummaged through her wardrobe in a panic.

"On your left," the man said calmly.

"Ah, there you are!" She grabbed the bowtie, placed it around her neck, and hurried to her desk. "Pencil case, where is it?!"

"On top of your bookshelf."

"Got it!" She threw the pencil case into her backpack and ran back to the bathroom.

"All of these coincidences, she makes it look like she can see or hear me," he smiled, dragging himself to the bathroom to check on her. "What is she doing now? She's going to be late for real."

Then she bolted out of the bathroom with her hair in a ponytail. "Look at you, a carbon copy of your mom," he chuckled once again, seeing her in Soomin's signature ponytail style.

"All done! Wait... My eyes... Why are they so itchy?" she said, blinking rapidly to alleviate the uncomfortable feeling.

"Let's see," he bent down on his knees in front of her, still blinking rapidly. "There is nothing," he softly said. "Geez... Look at those doe eyes. You're definitely Jungkook in disguise. Tell me, did you just pretend to be born as a normal little girl? I'll call you little Jungkook from now on, okay?" he joked.

"I don't want to," the girl said.

Taehyung froze on his knees as she stared at him deeply. "At this point, I could believe that you can really see me," he scoffed while staring back at her.

"Why? Should I not see you?" she bluntly said.

His jaw instantly dropped the moment he heard those words. He neither said anything nor moved his muscles.

"TAERI! Are you still sleeping?! Go down and have your breakfast! You're late for school!" Soomin's loud voice from downstairs finally broke the silence between the two. Taehyung, who was still in shock, just watched as the girl named Taeri snatched her backpack.

"OK, Mom!" She was ready to run out of the room, but she turned around to face the statue-like Taehyung.

"Don't call me by other people's names. You know that my name is Taeri!" she said while pouting her little lips.

"See you after school, Samchoon!"

"Sam...choon?" Blinked for the thousandth time, Taehyung was left dumbfounded in her room, alone, confused, and surprised.

Today was Min Taeri's birthday. Yet, instead of receiving a birthday surprise from others, the cheeky little girl successfully gave a big surprise to her secret companion, Uncle Taehyung.

...And also to the two gentlemen who were watching them from afar...

"Seriously... What's wrong with this family? Are they cursed or what? Why can't they have a normal life?" Namjoon desperately brushed his neat hair as he witnessed the oddity from the old mirror in Seokjin's usual room.

"Well... I guess we will have more exciting events with this eccentric family," Seokjin smiled as he sipped his favorite morning tea and closed the veil of his mirror.


"I told myself that some families we get without asking, while others we choose.

And I chose those two. I think that's what you'd call a silver lining."

-Jenny Valentine-




(Finally I could finish this one after years of hiatus!)

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