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"Fate is never fair. You are caught in a current much stronger than you are; struggle against it and you'll drown not just yourself but those who try to save you. Swim with it. and you'll survive"

-Cassandra Clare-

Today was the second meeting.

Yoongi had been waiting in the empty and cold meeting room by himself since an hour ago. He was repeatedly checking the material of today's meeting. Yet, none of the word could even penetrate his cloudy mind. Yoongi was restless. Yoongi was nervous.

He kept asking himself why, but the answer was blurry.

Was it because of the lingering bottled-up guilt that he had for leaving her back then?

Was it because of the awkward feeling he had for the blunt confession she made the last time they met?

Was it because of the excitement he had for seeing her again?

He himself wasn't sure about it.

He stared at the closed door before him, with one hand on the doorknob. The gentle knocking sound, which had startled him a few seconds ago, was once again asking for permission to enter. Slapping himself, he turned the doorknob and greeted the person standing on the other side of the room with a warm smile. A warm smile that automatically appeared on his face as soon as his eyes met hers - Soomin's beautiful brown eyes.

"Please, have a seat," he said as he gestured with his hand to a long, comfortable couch in the middle of the room. With a gentle smile and a light nod, she softly said thank you before taking a seat on the right side of the couch.

He smiled when the woman, who was gorgeously wrapped in an all-black casual work attire, looked around the room and muttered, "You have a very comfortable meeting room."

He couldn't hide his smug face when she continued to nicely compliment how nice and cool the agency building was.

He was proud.

Yes, he was beyond proud of his achievement for being a music producer, moreover, having this small yet quite noticeable talent agency under his management.

...don't look back, spread your wings and fly as far as you can...

Those were the words that Soomin messily wrote for him seven years ago. "Spread your wings," she said. "Fly as far as you can," she said. He never once ignored those words. In fact, those words were the wings that helped him fly this high.

There are no words that can describe how glad he was when fate decided to pull the red string between him and her together at such a perfect time. Why? Because being a worthy individual was what he always wanted to be seen as, not as an imaginary knight in shining armor who had nothing but a pathetic, halfhearted real life.

Was he being selfish for not considering her state when he decided to leave? Yes, he was. In fact, he had been selfish from the start, which began with the reason behind the kiss that night. What he meant to her wasn't the real question he wanted her to answer; there was another bigger mystery he had to find out for himself.

Silver Lining Part 2  (M.Yg - K.Th)Where stories live. Discover now