16. Decision

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There lay the future of his relationships with several people. On the table. In front of him. Sitting silently. Waiting for his decisions.

Some tough decisions he needed to make from the place he was standing. He never thought he'd be in such a place ever. Where he needed to stand against his own family, his own sister, and his Aunt.

Weren't they his support system? Arnav, though, looked tough from the outside, he loved them as his own, fed them like he never fed himself, and earned for them all his life. Prioritizing their needs before his. Prioritizing their wishes before his. Buying them riches and whatever they had asked for. Never concentrating on his life alone. How come didn't they think of him or his hard work? Thinking only about themselves and hurting him and others in the process. In a way, he was at fault for giving them everything easily. Easy, a word he was never aware of, a word for which he had to work hard. 

Expectations! — a word so simple had the power to destroy some part in you, or the whole of you.

They're of some kind. If they can show you heaven if you're having the right person, they can also show you hell if your relations turned out wrong. Like his relationship with his sister. Like his relationship with his Mami. Like his relationship with his Nani. 

A report on Anjali and Manorama revealed what they were up to. A proof screaming at him to make up his decision.

Manorama was letting Anjali talk to Shyam through her phone just after a few days when he was thrown out of Shantivan.

A constable number was there through which Shyam was able to talk to Anjali. She was the reason why Shyam escaped from jail and ended up sneaking into his room at night.

How blind Anjali can be? What had happened to her? Is she so blind in Shyam'd love that she doesn't realize what she's doing? He thought bitterly.

There's another file in which Sheetal's history was sitting glaring at him back. Sheetal, though, is caught, was another one of Shyam's partners to separate him and his wife.

For what? In the hope that Sheetal would take Khushi's place and Shyam could snatch Khushi and his property away from him? As he always tried to do?

Anjali and Manorama were just foolish puppets. He took his thought back to Manorama. Manorama had her own plan. She isn't a fool, not as foolish as she looks.

She had her own motive and he had to know.

"Dig up Manorama's past, from her childhood to till today," he instructed Aman who was silently sitting on the side.

Huff! Another task. I don't understand what does he think of me? Am I a robot or what? He thought faking a smile, "Sure, ASR."

What else could he do? He just hoped ASR would give him a week. From Childhood to the present means it'll take a lot of time. He opened his mouth to ask the same, "ASR, I guess it'd take a week or more for digging it up-"

ASR cuts Aman off, "Yeah. Take a week. But I need an accurate report." He was stern, it was about his so-called family member and he needed to be careful.

Aman thanked him, leaving the reports with ASR, and getting another task in hand — to deactivate the credit cards of Anjali and Manorama. Aman expected it and voluntarily took up the task before walking out of the Mansion. His tongue is still burning after drinking the hot coffee with ASR.


Police station,

Arnav reached the station after a few hours. Looking at Shyam and Sheetal in their respective cells, his heart swelled in relief. Having his way with Shyam who stared right back at him with a smirk intact on his face, riled him up and he couldn't ever forget this was the man lusting after his Khushi and sneaking into their room the night. What happened after was history. One could close their eyes and mumble highly about what ASR could do when he's on the edge of the hill.

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