18. Time for some actions

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Recap: Arnav leaves Khushi in Gupta House and goes to Mumbai due to the fire accident in his office. Arohi and Khushi bond well. Manorama plants photoshopped photos of Khushi with another man. Khushi beats a clueless Arnav.

P.S. Aarohi is Maya and Ayush's 11-year-old daughter in case anyone forgot.

"How dare you, Laad governor? What do you think of yourself?" Khushi's fiery words pierced through the air, her frustration palpable.

Arnav, taken aback, found himself sitting on the recliner, rubbing his nose after he was punched by his little wife. Khushi didn't wait to attack her husband another time. But he was quick in dodging her punch this time, ducking his head down and chaining her hands to his, he uttered, wondering what came over his wife's head. Beating him without a reason, "What the! Khushi, pagal ho gayi ho?"

(Have you gone mad?)

Khushi blatantly ignored his words and struggled in his arms. Alas, his hold was too tight for her. She bit his hands and he hissed in pain releasing her hands from his.

She got another chance to beat him.

Arnav who was rubbing his hand as well took her in his arms before she could beat him again, muttering angrily, "Stop."

Khushi didn't stop. She just thought that her husband believed in the photo over her and as a reflexive reaction to remembering it again, kicked his leg with hers.

"Ouch!" Arnav wondered if she ever got trained in Karate or something, as her kicks were just too strong.

Arnav locked her hands in his and entwined her legs with his, trying to stop her from beating him or moving. But she is Khushi who never loses anything, she kept wriggling in his arms, "You crazy woman, stop! What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? You laad governor," she fumed, her doe-like eyes flashing with anger. Her hand was poised in the air, ready to strike her husband for the nth time. But before she could land a bite on his arm, he shut her mouth with his other hand.

"Stop," he commanded, gritting his teeth, his voice firm yet gentle. His grip on her hands was firm, but not painful.

Her eyes welled up with tears as she shot back at him, how dare he think wrong of her? Her thoughts caught words, "How dare you think wrong of me?"

Her voice was a mix of hurt and indignation.

He looked taken aback by her accusation. "When did I think wrong of you?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine confusion and concern. His eyes searched hers, trying to understand the reason why she said the words she said.

"Why the hell are you angry at me for those photos?" Khushi gritted her teeth, still struggling in his arms, almost lying on his chest, sitting on his thighs.

Arnav released a sigh of breath realizing why she beat him and what she thought about his words and anger. True that his wife is crazy as hell. But he would have never thought she would go bonkers, all for a simple and crazy misunderstanding.

Again, his Khushi is one hell of a crazy woman. What else can be expected out of her little brain?

Putting his thoughts aside, he released her from his firm hold and tried explaining, "Khushi, I wasn't angry at you. I am angry with the people who sent me these."

He kissed her hand and Khushi was speechless. She had no words. Does that mean she misunderstood him? Oh, yes, she did. Again. She felt guilty. How many times she had mistrusted him? She should have known after the DNA fiasco.

She with a hint of remorse visible on her face, gathered words, "Uh. Sorry, Arnav-ji. Forgive me. I thought you didn't trust me."

"So, you beat me because you thought I didn't trust you?" It was rather a statement than a question.

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