chapter 23

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"i think you should kill that friend right now when he is infront of you'' jungkook said while laughing, " wait..!! What do you mean, you were there?'' yn ask all confuse and shocked

''its time to sleep'' he said as he pull blanket over them and hug yn, '' nooo, tell me first, you were the one who call oppa?'' yn being stubborn ask him ''yess i was that one, now sleep!'' He said '' wait, does that mean you saw me before too??'' she ask ''yn! Are you sleeping or not?'' he ask little sternly as she pout and sleep, he sigh seeing her pout as he speak

''ughh okay, I'll tell you but no further questions... Promise??'' he said as she nodd happily and listen carefully.

'' so back then when we were in university.......


Jungkook POV

We had winter holidays, when we decided to go home for a few days. Me and jimin hyung were together as we had to go to busan

We reached and separate our ways, i met my old friends, mom-dad, relatives and all. The week flew away in blink and it was already the one day before we were heading back to abroad

I was packing my bags when i got msg from hyung


Jimin: jungkook, can you please come to pick me tomorrow >

Me: isn't that what we already decided hyung?<

Jimin: yeah... I know but can you come in morning like around 11:30 ??>

Me: but flight is at 5 pm,What we gonna do till then?<

Jimin: actually, yn and I are finally meeting tomorrow, we didn't meet this whole week coz she was out of town for some projects  we didn't meet this whole week coz she was out of town for some projects so.... Can we plz?? 🥺🥺

Me: not those puppy eyes hyung!! Okay fine be ready by 11, I'll be there but I'm going to meet her I'm already telling you

Jimin: okay fine thank you kook ❤️❤️

I smiled looking at last text he send and kept phone aside, I can tell he was smiling ear to ear while typing last text, '' so she will be there tomorrow?'' i said in mind but shook my thoughts as soon as I realise....

( Don't be confus guys, jungkook isn't telling this all just some point but I'm making it in details)

Next day I pick up hyung and we went to place he told me, we were late becoz of him. He was talking about her in the whole ride

Jimin: jungkook are you sure... You aren't coming with me ? She is so friendly just come with me

Jungkook: no hyung... I Don't want to come

I said and stopped the car as we reached the cafe, hyung was taking his bag and all when my eyes fall on the girl standing near the entrance in white pretty dress,

i wasn't able to divert my eyes from her as my hand reached to take my phone from the pocket, unknowingly i click her pic I know it's not good to click pics without there permission but i can't help and moreover it's not inappropriate

I was so much into her that i didn't even realised hyung is already went but i came back to reality when i saw her hugging.....hyung???
That's when it's click 'shit... That's his friend ' i thought but look at her

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