chapter 4

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Next morning
Jungkook POV
I was sleeping peacefully when I heard alarm first i thought it's mine but it was yn's I thought she'll turn it off but she didn't... I turn to see why isn't she waking up..... But she was sleeping and she was looking pale I got up nd turn the alarm off. I look at her carefully she was not looking well I decided not to wake her up.... I took shower and went downstairs in kitchen to make some breakfast for both of us since she isn't making it
After some time I was done with it....i went in our room
I first call her..... No response
I call little loudly..... Still no response
' is she really sick....???' I thought
I sightly shook her twice.... finally she opened her eyes slowly
After gaining her sense she saw the time. She widen her eyes and looked at me
Yn: I'm really sorry i overslept today
I'll make something for you quickly till you ge-
Jungkook: will you please shut up.....
I said as I feel like she is overreacting.....but as I said she looked down sadly i mentally cursed myself for yelling at her....
Jungkook: get fresh and come down
She look at me confused but nodd anyways. She got up and went in bathroom i also come down and placed our dishes on dining table. She come down in few min while saying
Yn: jungkook I'll make something fas-.... D-dit you make this all...??
She asked me surprised i just hmm in response and started eating.....


Jungkook was ready to go.... As he stepped out he heard something fall he was about to ignore since yn is there to see but his mind wasn't convinced so he went to see inside as he come he didn't saw anything he turn to leave but again something fall it's was from kitchen. He took step towards kitchen and saw yn was standing leaning on kitchen counter her one hand was on her head.... seeing her like this he rush to her
Jungkook:yn...!! Are you okay....???
Yn just nodded not having energy to talk
He carried her to living room and put her on sofa quickly went to bring glass of water and make her drink he put glass on coffee table
Yn somehow become normal....
Jungkook: get ready...we are heading to hospital RIGHT NOW
He said sternly and help her to bedroom
She went to the bathroom to take shower.she come out after few min and wear jeans and white top she didn't bother to do any makeup just put some lip balm.....

Meanwhile jungkook

Jungkook: cancle all my today's meetings where I'm needed and you handle other meetings I've urgency I'm not coming.... Get it

Miss kim: don't worry mr.jeon I'll reschedule all the meetings....
He hang up the call
Yn come down after getting ready

Yn: jungkook I'm really fine you go to office you said you have important meeting today....
He just ignore her and coldly said

Jungkook: let's go
Yn sigh but didn't argue back
they sat in their car nd droves to hospital....

Time skip
In the doctor's cabin

Doctor checked her nd she told her to do some test she was checking those reports after reading it she sigh while keeping file infront of jungkook. Only jungkook was in the room as dr. ask her to wait outside yn hesitate but did what she told to do...

She starts... ' Mr. Jeon it's not any serious disease or something......
He sigh in relief..... Dr. Continued
Dr: but.... She is so weak she isn't taking her meal on time or maybe not even taking it it's not good for her health, as you know Mr. Jeon i know her from before your marriage she is so skinny now she wasn't this skinny before she was thin but in good way she was fit.... please take care of her I prescribed some medicine for her make sure she eat on time nd take medicines too

Jungkook was listening very carefully like he didn't know what to say he got up from chair and come out after saying thank you  As he come out Yn come to him worried, thinking she is badly sick nd gonna die soon
Yn: Jungkook what did she said?? Did I've some kind of disease I'm going to di-

Jungkook: shut up don't talk nonsense
He looked at her in eyes regretting seconds later her eyes were filled with tears threatening to fall anytime

Jungkook:aish.... Let's talk at home
He said nd started walking towards exit yn quietly follow him, They drove off to home the ride was silent only her sniffs were there.....
They come home jungkook sat on sofa Yn was going to kitchen to bring water for him but he hold her hands nd pull her on sofa she land beside him. He started to speak in clam nd soft voice

Jungkook: why aren't you taking your meals...??
He directly ask making her shocked

Yn: n-no i- I'm n- not
She cursed herself for shuttering.

Jungkook: you still want to lie
He stood up from sofa angrily nd spoke further

You weren't like this before marriage or in our marriage,..... You weren't this thin Yn but I didn't said anything coz I thought you're in diet or something but you were skipping YOUR FUCKING MEALS....

He yelled lastly making her flinch this the first time he yelled like this on her! Jungkook saw her scared he tried to clam himself nd asked again in normal but stern voice

Jungkook:tell me yn....!!!
But again she choose to stay silent

Jungkook: why the hell! you want to starve yourself I'm giving everything to you even I heir maids for you but in last you just sent them to back in Jeon mantion but I didn't said anything thinking you might don't like people around you... Dr said you aren't taking your meals on time nd skipping it alot
She even said you are not eating fresh food ....why yn ???WHY...,??? I've to answer our paren-

'you are just doing this for our parents. aren't you???'
She asked braking his word

Yn: you want answer???
Let me tell you

She yelled at him making him shocked he never saw her this angry.....


I'm really very sorry guys..... I was so much busy this days because of clg stuff so i didn't had time to write the story..... I hope you understand
And please tell me how is the story please
Here is something for you

 I hope you understandAnd please tell me how is the story pleaseHere is something for you

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(This is one of the favourite pic of mine🌚🌚)

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