✝ 1: Lock and the Key

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The beginning

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The beginning.

How humorous life is. One moment, it gives immense happiness to someone that they crave sadness but at the other moment, the heart grieves so much, that it craves to have just a little hope of happiness. Life and death may be the exact words for joy and sadness, respectively. Both are different sides of the same coin...

However, thinking about what you haven't seen, 'death', may be too deep of a word. What happens to the soul once a person dies? Does it go all black and you wake up with a new life? Or you walk through the realms of heavens, the gates of suffering to reach your goal and if you are worthy enough, you respawn and get a second chance to live?

Well, is this spiral of life and death just a dream? When you die, you wake up? Who knows? It might happen...

"Lilith. Are you daydreaming again?"

My smile faded, driving a look of frown on my face. Peering at the soul, I stared at her aimlessly, lying in the bed in my pajamas. My eyes wandered off at anywhere but her, cluelessly.

"Shouldn't you go to college?" She sighed, sitting beside the brown bed as it sank when her figure weighed down on it. Her hands caressing the snowy-white bedsheets and her dusty caramel-colored hair messed up in a bun, accentuating her tired form.

Her lips were chapped and slightly pale. An urgency sealed to her softly blinking, deep in thoughts eyes, stressing over her hurriedness and weak form. Her body was thin and the energy seemed to be sucked out of her face.

Her grey eyes grew narrower, stressing a look of disappointment on her face.

"No Mom. I like it this way." I sighed back, shaking my head to and fro. What's good in college anyway? Studying, stressing over petty competitions and half-heartedly settling for a mediocre job with an unsatisfied life. Paying taxes, bills, trying to save up money but it never seems enough.

"How can you say that? Do you want to stay like me forever? Locked and working in the kitchen 24/7?"

I grunted. This is what I hated the most. Why did she have to pull up that card of 'bEiNg LikE mE' over me?

My mother's a housewife and owns a small chicken restaurant. That's the only source of her income, to furnish us with food and good supplies. I'm a student and I was supposed to start college this year. But what's the point? Ultimately, there won't be enough money for my education anyway. So, instead of making her feel guilty, why don't I make her mad at me?

"Mom. It's nothing like that. I just want to stay here and help you with your shop. Who knows, one day, you'll be known as the best cook in our country?" I exclaimed dramatically with a grin but suddenly it got replaced with a pout when she grimaced at my expression.

"You're always into your imaginations, wondering about god knows what, and now that you finally have the chance to do something beyond your expectations, why aren't you seizing the opportunity? You being successful is better than my becoming a 'cook'." She scoffed in disbelief.

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