17. Searching Pt. 01

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Warnings: This chapter contains mild language, sexual themes, ??? themes.

Please be advised. Thank you and enjoy.

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Tails' Workshop: 9:30 a.m.

"I said I'm fine..." Tails irritably says, his eyes completely focused on the computer screen in front of him. He had spent the entire night trying to find a way to track his brother. Apparently the gadget in Sonic's shoe was broken some time ago because he's not getting any readings from it, so he's racking his brain on figuring out how to find his brother since he's back. It's just that his mind is all over the place: Sonic was scared, then kidnapped. Shadow is forced to keep an eye on his brother or else someone will die... Everyone's life is on the line just so this stalker can have his way with Sonic.

Sonic's safety is the main thing Tails is worried about but the second biggest question he has is why on Mobius does that lunatic look just like his brother? Sure, there's some slight differences with the shade of fur and eye color, but other than that, they're practically twins.

Tails is also frustrated with himself for not knowing more about portals and other universes. And he's trying to justify it with the fact that he's never had to leave this one before. Yes, he knows that there are other universes out there and Aurora knows how many are in a multiverse, but he's never actually thought about crossing into a different one. Their adventures never warranted them the reason to. But he's upset because his lack of knowledge about portals was the reason he couldn't help Sonic when he first was kidnapped. 'What if he's taken again and the lunatic doesn't bring him back this time?'

Tangle stifles a yawn before shaking her head, trying to wake herself up. After they had seen what was in the box last night, they had tried to comfort Amy and Tangle herself was doing everything she could to not puke her guts out. How could anyone just casually send a head through a portal like that? Better question: how could anyone do take a life like that in the first place?

The lemur shakes her head again and rubs the sleep from her eyes. They were finally able to calm Amy down but it just really hit them how dangerous that... that maniac truly is. Verbal threats are one thing, but doing something that drastic just to prove a point? And to make them feel like cattle to the slaughter? Who in their right mind does that?

'Ugh, I'm gonna have so many nightmare from this when I finally get some sleep. Whisper, I'm gonna need your help with this.'

Amy covers her dried eyes and an exasperated sigh leaves her lips. She doesn't have anymore tears to cry and it's not because of the present they were forced to look at either. That scared her, she won't deny it, but not knowing what Sonic has been going through for months and just how dire the situation is, it makes her feel helpless, useless. Sure, she couldn't do anything physical to help anyways but she would've been more than happy to be there if he needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to just talk to about this rather than find out he's been stalked by some twisted, sick creep for so long. They're supposed to be friends. Why would Sonic keep something like this to himself for so long?

Another sigh leaves Amy's mouth as she brings her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them. She knows exactly why Sonic kept this to himself, why he didn't involve anyone in this. Sonic is the type to jump to help anyone in their time of need without a second though, no matter the situation but when it comes to himself? He doesn't like involving anyone in his personal matters. It's not that he doesn't trust them. No, that's not it at all and it's not even his image that he's worried about. He told her when they were dating that he didn't care about his image, he just plays around about it because he likes seeing the different reactions he gets.

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