chapter two: gives of the gods

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Here you go my faithful readers i won't be updating regularly due to the fact that im starting my end of term exams.

*percy's p.o.v*

Waking up i felt better knowing that my friends didn't blame me for their deaths it felt like a weight had been lifted from my chest. I still carry the guilt but it's not as bad as before don't get me wrong i still miss them, i miss them alot. But i know that they're waiting for me. Dad came in and noticed I was awake,he called apollo, apollo flashed in he was happy but suddenly got a confused expression on his face and asked " why do you look so happy percy". I then explained to them what had happened in my dream, when i had finnished dad was hugging me. Apollo gave me some nectar and ambrosia after that i felt stronger. Dad asked me if i was up to go to the council meeting the gods wanted to give me their blessings. I nodded dad and apollo helped me stand it was then i noticed i had an arm and a leg made out of clestrial bronze with a sigh i pushed my self up so i was standing, i wobbled a bit, dad and apollo steady me.

We flashed to the throne room, all the gods fell silent ehen we arrived Zeus told me they wanted me to become the champion of olympus. To say i was stunned was an understatement so i did the smartest thing i could do in this situation i asked apollo if hera had given zeus a concussion as soon as thoes words left my lips the olympians chuckled slightly but soon stoped, zeus only looked slightly annoyed at me and said "yes percy we want to make you our champion. Lady hestia walked up to me and embraced me in a hug, I felt warmth and hope seep into me, she then pulled away from me and said " percy I want you to become my first champion." All the gods gasped. "I would be honoured." And woth that a ball of fire came out of her hand and went into me i felt warm "percy you how have the power to controll fire, travel with fire and heaal with fire you can also summon home cooked meals. I thanked her as she went to her throne.
(Im just going to bullet point the gifts from the gods so i can move on with the story)

Ares: two charm braceletss with weapon charms on it when you pull one of the weapon charm off it will turn into a real weapon.

Aphrodite: the ability to charmspeak and change his appearance also the ability to see who is in love with who (useless gife I percys oppinion).

Hephaestus: to be able to create and fix anything at anytime and a leather jacket that acts like Leo's tool belt.

Athena: annaeths invisibility cap and battle strategy.

Hades: the same powers as nico and hazel and to be able to sense death.

Hera: a wolf with wings as my sprit animal and to find a family.

Zeus: a eagle as a sprit animal as well as thr ability to controll lighting and to be able to controll the winds.

Artemis: archery and stelth of a hunter and all the traits a hunter needs.

Apollo: prophecy, music and the ability also returns percys violin. (Yes i made percy a violinst but gabe sold it for gambling money)

Hermes: to be able to pull the best pranks, thievery and a pair of flying converses.

Dionysus: the powere to cure and cause madness.

Hecta: magic and all the abilitys they have at a genius level.

Demeter: to be able to control plants as well as grow them.

Posidon: to be able to shape shift into any animal and create animals from water, create water from his body, vapor travel and control the water molecules in the air.

After to gods had blessed they started asking me questions on how i could play a violin. So i just said "cause im amazing that way". After the questions were out of the way they said i could hae two wishes. I asked for the camps to be joined together zeus agrees and asks what my second wish is i asked for all connection to the mythological world to be cut for a year so i could get my thoughts and emotions together.

The gods agreed even though they looked sad they understoodwhy i had to fo it. They flashed me to camp so i could say goodbye to the other campers and gather my stuff, arriving at the border, chiron noticed me arriving and galloped up to me "percy you're okay and back i was worried about you". "Dont worry im as fine as i can be with whats happened lately". "I know dear boy. I know the kthers will be glad that you'reback". "I'm not staying, I'm going to live with mum and paul. Mum said she wanted me to meet someone". "I understand percy, i hope your stay with your mother is a pleasant one and you like the person your mum wants you to meet". Chiron hugged me and then cantered off to teach the younger campers archery. I starred ro head to my cabin greeting and saying goodbye to campers that i passed on my way to my cabin.

Walking into my cabin i saw all my pictures of me, my friends and family everywhere, and the pain I've been holding in became to much to hold in and i let it out. Sobbing uncontrollably i cryed my self into a state of exhaustion.

I don't know how long i cryed for but i was exhausted after gathering everything in my cabin photos and all. I climbed half-blood hill, standing besidw thaila's tree i looked at the camp. I sighed with a heavy heart, i turned around to make my way to my mums apartment.

When i finally arrived at my mums apartment i got a surprise of my life.

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