Chapter Thirty Nine: The Carousel...Again

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Author's note: It might be beneficial to go back and re-read the last couple of paragraphs from "The Carousel" before reading this chapter. :-)

I wake early the next morning to find that Harry has gone. Glancing over to the chair where he dropped his clothes last night, I see that they are gone too, telling me he isn't just in the bathroom. I didn't hear him leave, so he must've left either very late or very early. I guess he didn't want to face me after our strange altercation last night. What even was that? What would've happened if David hadn't called when he did? I know without a shadow of a doubt that he was going to kiss me. But was it because he really wanted to, or was it just some misdirected way to shut me up? I guess I may never know...

The room phone rings for the second time in twelve hours and I look over at it, feeling confused as ever. Picking it up, I clear my throat before saying, "Hello?"

"Kate, it's David." Really? Is he still looking for Harry?

"Harry isn't here", I blurt out before he can ask the question.

"I know, he texted me earlier from his apartment."


"I just wanted to let you know that Seth will be there to pick you up in an hour to take you to the studio." Uggh, I had forgotten all about the recording. I certainly have become forgetful since I met Harry. I will be glad to have my mental faculties back once I am done with this tour. I flop back down onto my pillow and rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Ok, thank you." I try not to express in my voice that I'm disappointed Harry is not the one calling me, or picking me up for that matter. Maybe he wants nothing more to do with me now. Maybe I finally pushed him too hard.

"You're welcome, bye." The line goes dead and I had almost forgotten he was still on the phone. I grab my cell phone to see if I have any texts. Nothing. I drop the phone to the bed and turn my head to look out the window. One hour to get my life together before I have to face Harry again.

After my shower and getting dressed in my baggiest, frumpiest clothes, I order some hot tea with honey and lemon for my throat from room service to hopefully help my voice. Once I've drank as much as I can stomach, I shuffle downstairs to meet Seth. I feel very unprepared for this day. Maybe we should've rehearsed the song last night like I told David we did, instead of doing whatever the hell it was we were doing. I'm silently hoping he isn't here yet, so that maybe I'll have time to grab coffee. But as soon as I step out onto the sidewalk, I see his sleek black car waiting for me at the curb. Popping inside, I mumble a "good morning" to Seth, and then we pull away and drive in silence. He can probably tell that I'm not in the mood for chit chat, which I'm thankful for.

Sometime later, we pull up in front of a grey two story building with double arches on either side of the entrance. I thank Seth, then exit the car and walk toward the large wooden doors. It suddenly occurs to me that I have no idea where to go, but thankfully just as I step inside, I see David waiting near an elevator. He looks up from his phone to address me as I approach him. "Ahh, you made it."

"Am I late?" I ask, hoping to God that everyone's not sitting around waiting for me.

"Nope, right on time. The studio is upstairs", he adds, pressing the elevator button. Once we're inside, I watch the numbers light as we ascend to the second floor.

"Have you ever done this before?" He asks, and I'm a bit taken aback by his question. I've never made small talk with David, let alone actually had a real conversation with him.

"What, record a song?" He nods. "No", I laugh. "This is all new to me."

"Well, I'm sure you'll do great. And I'm also sure you're ready to get back home soon. Probably for the best", he adds a little quieter. I give him a sideways glance, confused by his comment, then step through the doors as they slide open. I wait for David to direct me, then follow him down a long hallway filled with music memorabilia and gold and platinum records hanging on the walls. He opens the door at the end of the hall to reveal a large round room with bright blue seating in the form of a loveseat and chair, and even more records adorning the walls. There are two doors off the room, and he leads me to the larger door, opens it, and we step through to reveal a big room with a soundboard running the entire length of one wall. There's a large clear glass panel in front of it, revealing a smaller room behind it. Behind the soundboard, sit two swivel chairs, then behind those is a large leather couch that runs the length of the other wall. Sitting on the couch is Harry, Mark and an unknown man. Seeing Harry immediately brings back thoughts to the weirdness that took place the previous evening, and I wonder if he's feeling just as awkward as I am. Doing my best to push those thoughts aside, I plaster on a smile and try to act professional as they all rise to greet us. Harry immediately introduces me to the stranger.

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