Chapter Forty Four: Be Careful

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His words and his intense stare send a shiver right down my spine, down to my toes then back up to my heart. He remains still and planted to the spot, maybe nervous to react even though I'd asked for exactly what I wanted. So I decide to take control of the situation in the only way I know how in this moment. I raise my hands slowly to brush the stray curls back and away from his face as he closes his eyes in response. His breathing has already accelerated and I haven't even really done anything yet. Once the hair is off his forehead, I lightly grasp either side of his jaw, then close my eyes and slowly lean up onto my tiptoes to reach his perfect face. I don't go for his lips right away, instead, I tilt his face down just a bit and place a tiny kiss to his hairline at his forehead. He stoops slightly to give me better access, his eyes still closed, his lips plumped and parted. I move my mouth down to graze against the top of each eyebrow, before landing between them. I linger on the spot that I always want to smooth with my fingers, luxuriating in the fact that my lips are now the ones to caress the troubled area. I can actually feel his skin relaxing as I do this, before moving my lips to barely land against each closed eyelid. I go lower to plant a tiny kiss to the tip of his nose, then caress each of his cheeks lightly with my mouth. How I've longed to do this; kissing each and every inch of his lovely face, taking my time as if I have nothing left to do for the rest of my life other than press my lips against this sweet creature. I bypass his mouth and land against his stubbly chin as his breathing increases even more. I feel the air from his lips before I hear the words, "Kate please..." His words send a shockwave through me and I give in to his gentle plea. Moving my mouth up just an inch, I trace his sweet velvety lips with mine, then finally press them firmly yet gently against his. His arms come up to land at my waist as he tugs me forward, deepening the kiss at the same time. Our lips part, intensifying the kiss as I become the first one to slide my tongue gently past his teeth. His mouth is so warm, so inviting, like an invigorating bath. He moans from deep within the back of his throat and this spurs me on to move my lips even faster against his, tasting him, devouring him, until our mouths become unified with one other, our intensified breathing becoming one. I begin to walk forward as Harry pulls me simultaneously, leading us toward the couch. I'm not sure who is leading who, but I could care less as we stop moments later once his legs have hit the soft fabric of the sofa. I push on his shoulders gently to lower him to the cushions and our connection breaks, but only briefly. Gazing up at me with a crazed sort of look in his eyes, he reaches up to grasp my waist again, tugging me forward onto the couch with him. But instead of straddling him like last time, I crawl up onto the couch next to him, tucking my knees beneath me next to his hips and grasping his chiseled face one again. His fingers tuck up under my shirt at my lower ribs and squeeze gently, as he pulls me forward to press his warm mouth against mine. I need to feel more of him, now that I've been welcomed in, it's like I can't get enough. I let my right hand slide down his neck, tracing the taught tendons as I go lower. I feel his sharp collar bone beneath my hand, then dip my fingers inside his tank top to find the swell of his pectoral muscle, rising and falling with each increasing breath. All the while our mouths are exploring each other, nipping lightly and tasting what the other has to offer. I squeeze the hard muscle gently, just over his heart, when suddenly his hand whips up to catch my wrist softly and a sharp inhale of his breath freezes my actions. I pull back from his face to find him staring wildly at me, his breaths coming out in little pants.

"What's wrong?" I ask, horrified. 

Is it happening again? Is he going to tell me this was a mistake? I don't think I could take it if he did...

"Nothing", he gasps. "It's just that...I got a new tattoo. It's still a little tender." I feel the breath literally whoosh out of me at his words.

"Oh...", I say, not hiding the relief in my voice. "Can I see?" His fingers are still wrapped around my wrist midair, but he finally releases me as his eyes dart back and forth between mine like he's wrestling with something.

My Beloved ~ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now