Chapter 15

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[Zayn's P.O.V]

After eating dinner, Louis and I went straight to my room but not before Dad reminding us to keep the door opened. It's kinda annoying since we can't have any privacy and who likes their bedroom door opened anyway?

"This is so annoying." I said before turning my head to face Louis, who is surprisingly reading a book, "And what are you reading?"

"A chapter that I have a quiz on in Chemistry." Louis answered not even looking at me.

"Since when are you studying?" I asked.

Louis shrugged and whispered, "Well, we're actually limited in what we can do with that door wide opened, I mean, didn't you see your Dad looking through the door every 5 minutes?"

I gave him 'wtf' look before looking at the door, "Dad!" I yelled when I saw Dad's head peeking through the open door.

"I was just walking by!" he defended.

I groaned in annoyance and stood up, "MOM, DAD'S SPYING ON US AGAIN!!!"

"Yaser!" I heard my mom called and saw my Dad's eyes widened.

"I was just walking by! Zayn's over reacting!" he shouted back.

"No, I'm not!" I yelled.

Dad was about to shout something back but Mom was already standing there looking pissed, "Look, I'm watching my favorite show right now but I can't hear anything with all these yelling!" she grabbed Dad's ear and mine, "Zayn, promise me that when we let you close and lock your door you and Louis won't do anything you two aren't supposed to do."

I rolled my eyes at that, "We won't do anything, Mom. Christ, why do parents always assumed that just because their child's boyfriend/girlfriend are sleeping over it means they'll have sex? I mean, come on, no one's that stupid to have sex when their parents is just across the hall."

Mom smacked the back of my head and let out a big sigh, "Just be quiet you two." She let go of me, "Good night, you two and Louis, I apologized for what you just saw, I mean it looks like you were studying."

I turned to Louis who was facing us with his book on his lap, "Oh, it's alright, Trisha, I'm almost done anyway." Louis smiled.

Trisha nodded and dragged Yaser, who was mumbling stuff we couldn't understand except for the words 'locked doors', 'Louis' and 'hormones'. I let out a big sigh and locked my door.

"Well, glad that's over." I sighed, "You done studying?"

"Yeah... Somehow..." Louis shrugged and place the book on my study table, "Why does your Dad assumed that I'm always the one who'll suggest to have sex?"

"'Cause I'm a good boy." I stuck my tongue out and sat next to him.

Louis snickered "You sure are."

I laughed and hit his arm playfully, "You have a dirty mind, Tomlinson."

"So are you if you knew what I was thinking." he said before sticking his tongue out.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, let's go to sleep now. Big day tomorrow..."

I placed myself in a comfortable position, my back facing Louis.

"It's going to be alright, Z." Louis said before I felt his arms wrapped around me.

"Maybe we should tell them after school, yeah?" I suggested as I snuggle closer to his chest.

Louis just hummed and kissed my hair. It didn't take too long for me to fall asleep afterwards.


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