Chapter 23

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[Louis' P.O.V]

I bit my lip as I wait for Trisha and Yaser's reaction.

"You must have let something slipped!" Yaser glared at me.

"Sir, I swear-" I tried reasoning with him.

"No, this is-"

"Yaser, stop!" Trisha stopped him from grabbing me, "You've been nothing but rude to Louis. You never let him feel welcome, you never think anything good about him, you even got to the point of trying to separate him from Zayn!"

Our eyes widened at her outburst, "Trisha, please calm down, we don't want to alarm Zayn." Yaser said.

Trisha glared at him before looking at me softly and saying, "Louis, can you please go upstairs and make sure Zayn's alright? Yaser and I will talk about the issue, thank you for telling us."

I didn't say anything but nodded before getting up and heading downstairs.

"Holy shit, that was scary." I mumbled once I arrived in front of Zayn's door.

I knocked a few times before warning Zayn that I'm coming in.

Once I opened the door, I was greeted with Zayn cooing at the little black pug, who has gotten a little bigger.

"Look at him, Lou, isn't he cute?" Zayn cooed, "He's getting bigger!"

I chuckled before coming in, "Good for him."

"So what were you talking about with my parents?"

"Just some stuff, nothing to worry about." I lied while I make myself comfortable on his bed, "Anyway, why don't we just cuddle and watch a movie and just make up for all the lost time we had? I missed you so much." I admitted as I held my arms open for him to cuddle in.

Zayn laughed softly before making himself comfortable around my arms, taking Kalel with him. "I missed you too... So does Baby Zouis."

"Yeah?" I smiled, placing my hand on Zayn's baby bump, "Papa missed you too, love."

Kalel whined a little before crawling on my chest and licking my face, "Yep, you too, buddy." I chuckled as I pet him.


"Hey, there baby Zouis." Harry cooed at Zayn's stomach, stroking it a little, which I slapped away for no reason.

I received a glare from him, but I just stuck my tongue out before burying my face on the side of Zayn's neck and cuddling him closer from behind, too tired to care about PDA.

"How does it feels?" Niall asked curiously from the black bean bag near Zayn's bed, "Like when the baby moves?"

"I can't really feel the movement yet, Niall." Zayn shrugged as he place a hand on his stomach, "Mom said I shouldn't worry about that though, babies aren't moving that much until maybe the 17th week."

"Well, how about you? You doing fine now?" Liam asked, sitting on the floor with Kalel on his lap.

"Yeah, I'm good, Dad made me rest plenty and all, and I think I'm doing well adjusting to this pregnancy, I'm not that easily tired anymore and less feeling like shit."

"That's good." Liam smiled as he pet the pug.

Liam, Niall and Harry arrived not too long ago, it was Zayn's mom that asked them to come over to keep Zayn's company, though Harry told me that Yaser and Trisha are going out for a while and they were asked to come to make sure I don't do anything stupid.

It was a little annoying, because 1) I'm not that careless around Zayn, 2) I just want to spend some alone time, but nevertheless Zayn's happy right now and that's good enough for me.

Pregnant With My Best Friend's Baby [Zouis Fanfic] [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now