Chapter 10

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[Zayn's P.O.V]

"Zayn Malik?" the brunette nurse called.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"The doctor is waiting for you." she smiled.

I smiled in return and stood up, making my way to the Doctor's office.

It's been a week since Louis and I got together. The only ones who knows about it are Liam, Niall and Harry. They aren't really surprise though, Harry even joked that he thought we were already dating because of our closeness.

Anyway, I finally decided to go to the hospital on my own since I felt like Louis' getting annoyed with me pulling away from our cuddle sessions just to puke, and sometimes when he secretly stays over for the night, I sometimes accidentally step on him when I rush to get out of bed to the bathroom. And I also really want to know what's wrong with me.

"Good morning, Mr. Malik." the blonde doctor smiled as I entered the room.

"Good morning." I smiled in return.

"Well, what seems to be a problem." he asked.

"Well..." I began telling him all about the puking problem, also added the always hungry every time problem and so is the weird cravings, and the weird mood swings.

He stared at me for a while, eyes wide...

"Uh... well...? Am I dying or...?" I asked.

"Well, I can't believe this... You're the third male who seems to be pregnant." he said.

I laughed, "Nice one, Doc, but seriously, I need to know what's wrong fast."

He raised an eyebrow, "I'm not kidding, Mr. Malik, I know it's hard to take it all in. I was surprise myself when I had my first male pregnant patient. We didn't know it was possible but we conducted a lot of tests." 

I rolled my eyes, "Seriously, man, stop it. I don't have time for this bullshit..."

"Wanna test it then?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Ugh, I don't want to waste my time." I groaned.

"Look, Mr. Malik, just let us do the tests." he sighed.

"Fine. You'll just make a fool of yourself though..." I sighed annoyed.

He chuckled, "The mood swings."

I glared at him.

After conducting like three or something tests, I really didn't understand what was happening though, but oh well...

"See?" he showed me the results of the tests then explained it carefully.

After an hour and a half of me and the doctor debating, the doctor explaining the positive results, conducting more tests, which also show positive signs that I'm pregnant, I'm starting to give up and just believe the doctor, I have no other choice. He showed me the step by step procedure of the tests to prove that it's not fake, and explained to me how it's possible for me to get pregnant.

"I... I can't..." I started to tear up, this is just too much to take.

"I can give you two option, Mr. Malik." the doctor said quietly.

"Yeah?" I said weakly.

"Option 1 is simply keep it, and Option 2 is abortion." he said,

I felt sick by hearing 'abortion', I always felt disgusted whenever I heard that, which is usually in school. My locker was two lockers away from the school's slut and she always say this at least once a month as a solution to her pregnancy.

Pregnant With My Best Friend's Baby [Zouis Fanfic] [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now