Hayley and Klaus being your true parents (request)

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Request: Can you do where Hayley and Klaus found you at birth cause her (mom and dad) with like clips of her growing up (her and hope being sisters) like they raise her up until her wedding day and Klaus walks her down the aisle but threatens her ...

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Request: Can you do where Hayley and Klaus found you at birth cause her (mom and dad) with like clips of her growing up (her and hope being sisters) like they raise her up until her wedding day and Klaus walks her down the aisle but threatens her soon to be husband there.

I hope I wrote this write🙃

You smiled as you walked down the isle with your father Klaus. Your soon to be husband smiling at you.

Baby y/n cried loud as she was just sitting behind a dumpster. Only 1 year old she didn't know what she was doing.

Suddenly a man was in front her. She backed away scared not knowing what to do.

"Hey little one. I'm no going to do anything." The mystery man says. "What are you doing out here by yourself.

"Momma." That's all you say still shaking in fear. The mystery man face turns in a sad one. "My name is Klaus." He reaches a hand out to her, she hesitantly takes it. "I have a daughter who you might like. Let's get you cleaned up and some food inside you.

You smile at your mother who has tears running down her cheeks. She was so proud of the woman you have become today.

You were now 8 and hope was 9. You were in the garden doing tricks while hope painted. Klaus and Hayley watched the both of you with smiled.

"Hope look!" You did a cartwheel then a back handspring.

"I wanna do it!" Hope screams. She puts her paints down and goes over to Y/n. She does the cartwheel and stops before doing the back handspring. She looks at y/n. "Teach me?"

Y/n looked at Hope who was one of her maid of honor. Her sister smiled at her.

Y/n was now a teenager in her last year of high school. She was a straight A student who did gymnastics on the side.

She walked into the house, just coming from school with a smile on her face. "Dad!" She screams walking in further.

He suddenly in front her. "What is it? Did something happen? Are you hurt?"

She laughed. "No, look. Someone asked me to prom!!"

Klaus suddenly had tears in his eyes. You were growing up and got your first date. "I'm happy for you sweetheart."

You smiled as you went to tell hope.

You laughed softly at that memory. That was your first heartbreak. You had to stop your father from killing the kid.

You were now at the alter, standing in front your soon to be husband. Your dad let go of your arm and kissed your forehead. He turn to his son in law. "If you even make a small tear come out her eye I will kill you."

"Dad!" You say hitting him on his arm. You turn to your husband to see him laughing.

"I won't hurt her sir, I love her to much to make her cry."

Klaus turns and head to his seat. You face your husband as everything starts.

You were now 25. You and your boyfriend of 5 years were on vacation in Hawaii. You were on the beach blind folded, feet in the sand.

"Where are we going? This blind fold his making my face itch." You say.

He laughs. "We're almost there just a couple more steps."

Suddenly you were being stop. You hear movement then told to take the blindfold off. You take it off to see your boyfriend on one knee with a small box in his hand. You look up to see a walkway of roses and a big sign that says marry me?

 You look up to see a walkway of roses and a big sign that says marry me?

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You look to your boyfriend with tears in your eyes.

After he says his speech you nod your head yes and grab his face and kiss him.

"Do you take bf/n as your husband."

"I do." You say smiling at him.

"Do you bf/n take y/n as your wife."

"I do." He says.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

You both smile and kiss each other as you hear cheers in the background.

You break away from kiss and Hope hands you your flowers. You and your now husband run down the isle and out the church doors.



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