Nevermore's Set Ablaze (Figuratively Speaking). By Two New Students.

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Wednesday's P.O.V

My name is Wednesday Addams, my parents have stuck me in Nevermore Academy. Their alma mater. I've been kicked out of eight public schools. The last one for almost murdering the water polo team. I'm looking forward to escaping this school. And I'm not going to stop until I'm free of this place. Or something more interesting comes along that will make me stay for a while.

The front gate of Nevermore Academy:

Daniel's P.O.V.

My name is Daniel Connery Boyce. I'm here at Nevermore because I was kicked out of ten other boarding schools. My father is a fire-and-brimstone kind of guy. Doesn't tolerate any bad behavior, (especially the type that gets his son kicked out of ten boarding schools). Mom convinced him to give me one last chance. And this is it. I've been a fan of classic guitar, Spanish, Country, and a little Rock and Roll. Plus I carve little ice figurines, and models of famous places, like the Taj Mahal, the Eifel Tower, the Coliseum, famous people, athletes, actors, etc. Even friends. And the ice I use. Is permanent. When I need a little literary break from carving the ice figurines. I occasionally write poetry.
Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I arrived at Nevermore Academy's front gates and I made sure I had everything I needed, my bags, transcripts, and letter to principal Weems from my mom.

I departed the limo, grabbed my bags, made my way to the academy's entrance, and walked to the principal's office to meet with Principal Weems.
"Mister Boyce. I'm so happy here. I've known about your family, both here and in Europe for a long time. Your mother used to go here and thinks you'll do well here." I held up the letter from mom and put it on her desk. She picked it up, opened it up, and read it over. Then folded it up then looked at me. "It said that you require a room by yourself. Mind explaining the reason?"
"The last ten schools. I nearly fileted my roommate's." I simply explained. Making her gulp.
"Well, unfortunately, we don't have any single rooms. So you'll have to bunk with someone." She thought for a moment.
"Whatever you can do," I said respectfully. "Will be fine."
"Well, it's rather unorthodox, but, how well do you get along with girls?" She asked.
"Pretty well. Why?" I asked in reply.
She just smiled as she said, "Let's go meet your roommates."

Wednesday's P.O.V

After settling into the room, I was typing away at my typewriter writing my novel, Enid was reading a teen girl fashion magazine when principal Weems came in with a new male student.
"Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair. This is Daniel Boyce. He just arrived today. And he'll be your roommate." Principal Weems told us. "I've already cleared it with Miss Thornhill."
"This is awesome, two new roommates the same day." Enid squealed as she hugged Daniel.
I must admit, there's something about him that interests me. Can't put my finger on what yet though. "Pleasure to meet you both." He said happily as he bowed.
Enid grinned wider as he straightened up.
"Enid would you give him a tour of the campus and a short history, and when your done take him to the registrar to pick up his uniform and schedule?" Principal Weems asked.
"Sure. Come with me." She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room leaving Principal Weems and I alone.
"Now I'm hoping you can make friends with at least one of your roommates." She suggested.
"No promises." I replied as she left the room. I stared out the window wondering what it was about Daniel that interested me.

Daniel's P.O.V

Enid was an exceptional tour guide, she told me a little history of the academy and the different cliques or groups that were in Nevermore. After she told me about the different social media apps to get I was going to reply when a boy in a skull cap walked up, "Enid, I heard that you got a second roommate." She stepped aside as I stood an inch taller than him.
"Daniel Boyce, at your service. And you are?" I asked.
"Ajax Petropolus." He squeaked.
"Nice to meet you Ajax." I grinned putting him at ease.
"Good to meet you too." He said breathing a sigh of relief. "You know your a little scary at first."
"Thank you, I take it as a compliment." I chuckled.
"So, if you don't mind me asking. What type of monster are you?" Ajax asked.
"Draco-Humanoid. I'm what is called a Dragon King. A human that not only can turn into a dragon. But multiple types of dragons, display their abilities in human form, I'm also immune to magic, and have a mild healing factor." I explained.
He grinned as he walked away and Enid continued the tour of the campus, and when we went to the registrar's office, I picked up my fireproof uniform and my schedule. On our way back to our dorm room, Bianca Barclay approached me.
"So, your the new guy." She smiled. "I'm..." She started.
"Bianca Barclay, resident queen b of Nevermore. A syren by species and a self-absorbed, self-indulgent, embarrassment to outcasts in this school." I finished for her. "And try anything against me or my roommates," Smoke billowed from my mouth and nose, "You will regret it." I said with a guttural growl that made Bianca's eyes widen. "You may be the queen b. But I'm the King D, long live the king." I said as I presented an arm to Enid, who took it as we continued on our way to our room.
"That was so cool." Enid squealed once we were far enough away from people.
"You liked that, did you?" I asked with a smirk as she nodded.
"Your the first person that publicly put Bianca in her place." She replied.
"Good to know." I smiled as I opened the door and stepped aside to allow Enid to go first, "After you mademoiselle."
After she walked in, I followed and closed the door before walking to my small corner and started unpacking.

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