Pilgrim's & Dragon's.

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Daniel's P.O.V

Let's analyze where we are. Black bag over our heads for maximum disorientation. Our wrists bound, and circulation almost cut off.
No idea as to whether or not we're gonna live or die. Our kind of party, well, Wednesday's mostly, it would depend on my mood to be my kind of party.
'Who dares breach our inner sanctum?' Said a mysterious voice with a little tinge of holier-than-thou in it.
"You can take the mask off, Bianca." Wednesday said. The lights came on and everyone took off their masks and I didn't need to look at Wednesday to see how disappointed she was. "Wait, I preferred you with it on."
"How did you get down here?" Xavier asked.
"Rowan showed us." Wednesday replied. "Left pocket." Xavier approached her, reached into her left pocket, and pulled out the picture with the watermark. "I tracked the watermark to the Poe statue and solved the riddle."
"Wait, there's a riddle? I thought we just snapped twice." Said the male syren.
"You know a little more force and you would have become a genius," I said referring to the headbutt I gave him as his nose was still bandaged up. "Or killed you, either way, I would have been happy with it."
"The Nightshades are an elite social club. Emphasis on elite." Bianca said.
"We have roof parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny dip." Yoko listed their activities.
"Yoko's an amateur mixologist." Said a syren.
"She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild." Ajax stated.
I yawned, "Clearly." Wednesday smiled briefly at my comment.
"Do you guys even have a bedtime?" She asked which made me laugh a bit. "Last I heard the Nightshades had been disbanded."
"Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter after some normie kid died." Xavier explained.
"But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves." Yoko added.
"Someone like Rowan?" Wednesday and I asked in unison.
"We booted that loser last semester." Bianca said proudly. "Question is, what are we gonna do about you two?" She asked all assembled. "Only members are allowed in this library.
"I say we invite them to pledge." Xavier said.  They are legacies." He pointed to the picture of Wednesday's parents and my mother.
"After the crap they pulled at the Poe Cup, no way in hell. We talk about not making waves? They're monsoons."
In a matter of seconds, the rope binding my wrists was reduced to ash. "Just because we beat you at your own game?" I said standing up to the shock of everyone. "Your lucky your boy over there got broken ribs and a busted nose." I got in Bianca's face as blue fire licked the outside of my upper lip. "If I really wanted to. I could have reduced his ass to ash, and you wouldn't even know about it until you missed your lapdog." Bianca's eyes widened as I clutched her cape. "Or maybe I should finish what I started." I opened my mouth, arctic blue flames coming from my throat and chest.
"Daniel. No." Wednesday said, which made my mouth snap shut and the flames made my chest glow blue. "Let me save you the trouble. We're not interested in joining." Wednesday said coldly as I still had ahold of Bianca's cape. And I swear, Bianca was minutes from seeing God. As her eyes spoke volumes as to how scared she was. "Daniel let her go." Wednesday ordered. I hesitantly adhered to her command as I let go of Bianca's cape.
"You seriously turning us down?" Yoko asked.
"Can you believe it?" Wednesday asked mockingly.
"Un...untie her." Bianca said as she barely could stop shaking in fear.
"I freed myself five minutes ago." Wednesday replied happily hoisting the rope in the air to everyone's surprise. She stood up and handed the rope to Xavier and we tried to leave only for the male syren to stand in our way.
"You know, I've read in one of my Uncle Dominic's journals, barbecued syren's delicious." I said making him gulp. "Step aside or your gonna be on the menu for lunch tomorrow." He all but screamed as he ran to a dark spot in the room.
We ascended the stairs but Wednesday stopped as did I, she looked out over the room, "It's amateurs like you that give kidnapping a bad name." She said as we continued up the stairs.

We soon arrived in our dorm room and I decided to slide into bed and get some rest as Wednesday went to her desk and pulled the book she took from the Nightshades library. I soon fell asleep.

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