A Dragon King Vs A Syren.

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Wednesday's P.O.V

Things took a dark turn when the search for Rowan's body failed to turn up anything.
Daniel and I were less than pleased about the fact the Sheriff didn't find anything, "How do you miss a dead body?" I asked.
"Cause it wasn't there." Sheriff Galpin replied. "No footprints, no blood, no sign of a struggle. Nothing, nada. My search party looked all night."
"Well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at q" Daniel said.
"We saw that monster kill Rowan in front of us." I added.
"Get a good look at this monster thing?" Galpin asked.
"It didn't stick around for a chat." Daniel replied.
"Maybe it was one of your classmates." Galpin said.
"Sheriff, I find that question offensive." Weems told him.
"I don't care, cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue. Hikers just ripped apart in the woods."
"The mayor said those were bear attacks." Said Weems questioningly.
"Well, the mayor and I disagree on that." Sheriff Galpin replied.
"So you automatically assume a Nevermore student is the murderer, even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed." Weems said.
"I'm sorry. I forgot, you only teach the good outcasts, right?" Galpin asked sarcastically.
Weems sighed at his statement. "My guess is Rowan ran away. State troopers have put out an alert, and I've contacted his family, but they haven't heard from him either." Weems told us.
"Dead people are notoriously bad at returning calls." I said.
"What were you two doing out in the woods with him, Ms Addams, Mr Boyce?" He asked Daniel and I.
"We heard a noise in the forest and went to investigate. That's when we stumbled upon the attack." I said.
"Then what happened?"
"Then we ran into Bianca Barclay and told her to go for help. Next thing we know we were waking up in our dorm." I explained.
"And just to be clear, this monster wasn't a bear or some kind of wild animal?"
"I've hibernated with grizzlies, I know the difference." I replied.
"Thank you, Sheriff," Weems said. "I think, Ms Addams is done now."
"Actually, we would like to speak to Sheriff Galpin. Alone." I requested as he looked at us more suspiciously.
"I'm not sure if I can allow that." Weems protested.
"Well I'm sure I can take them to the station and get a formal statement." A tense staredown moment happened between Sheriff Galpin and Principal Weems. "Yeah, let's go."
"Fine." Weems begrudgingly said. "You have five minutes and everything is off the record. Play nice...or I will call the mayor." Weems threatened before leaving the room.
"Someone is trying to cover up Rowan's murder." I started. "That's the only reason to scrub the crime scene."
"Is that your professional opinion as the daughter of a murderer?" Galpin asked.
"My father's twice the man you are, and the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower."
"It's been a long night. I'm tired of your games." Galpin complained.
"We're not playing games. We're telling the truth. You want to reject our claims but you can't." I said.
"Why is that?" He asked.
"Cause we all know there's a monster out there," I replied. "And Rowan is his latest victim."
A moment later, the door opened, and a deputy stepped in, "Sheriff, your gonna want to see this." The deputy opened the other door and standing outside the door was Rowan, alive, and unscathed. Daniel and I were extremely confused as Rowan smiled like he put one over on us.
Edgar Allen Poe once said, 'Believe nothing you hear, and half of what you see.'
Clearly Nevermore's most famous alumni picked that up here. No wonder he became a drug-addled madman.

Daniel's P.O.V

After the Sheriff left and Rowan went inside the principal's office. Wednesday and I went to therapy. She may not have admitted it, but I believe she enjoyed the flight just outside Jericho.
"Help me understand why you two claimed to have witnessed murder. Was it to gain attention?" Dr Kinbott asked.
"Why should we bother telling you anything? You've already decided we're lying. We know what we saw." Wednesday replied.
"Your lives have had a lot of upheaval recently. It's okay to be confused about things."
"Don't try to lure us into one of your psychological traps." Wednesday said
"No one is trying to trap you two. I'm here to help you guys process your emotions." Dr Kinbott told us.
"Emotions are a gateway trait. They lead to feelings, which trigger tears. I don't do tears."
"Tell me how you two are adjusting to school." She said interested in me and Wednesday's adjustment to Nevermore.
"Sartre said, 'Hell is other people.' He was my first crush." Wednesday said as she reminisced.
"Wednesday, Daniel, part of the reason your parents sent you to Nevermore is so you could find your people. Become part of a larger community." Dr Kinbott said.
"I like being an island, a well fortified one surrounded by sharks." Wednesday replied happily. She didn't show it but I can tell when she's happy and when she's just her usual cold and emotionless self.
"I'm the same actually but it's good to be a little social." I added. "Not that often but sometimes."
"Have you considered your antisocial tendencies might be motivated by a fear of rejection?" She asked us. But it was aimed more at Wednesday.
"If you were to reject me, I would not be upset." Wednesday stated.
"You can't get rid of me that easily." Dr Kinbott looks to the clock on the wall. "And look, you made it through an entire session without trying to escape. I'll take that as a win." I stood up and Wednesday and I left her office.
"Want to get a quad? My treat?" I asked.
"Okay, it won't be a wasted trip." Wednesday replied.
We left the building, only to run into Tyler. "Guess you decided to stick around Jericho. You two see Dr Kinbott too?" He asked.
"You should know we're legally required to be here." Wednesday told him.
"Umm, me too. Court ordered." Tyler told us.
"Good for you." I smirked making Tyler look angrily at me.
"Look at us, three teenage tearaways." Wednesday remarked.
"When you told me Daniel was going to take you out of Jericho and Nevermore. I wasn't sure if it was the right idea. Then I heard about...kind of crazy." He said.
"Everyone, including your father, believes we made it all up." Wednesday told him.
Tyler's cell phone beeped, "You know I... Time to get in touch with my inner rebel. You know for the record. I believe you." He told her.
As Tyler went into Dr Kinbott's office. Wednesday and I went to the Weathervane for a cup of coffee.
I got Wednesday her quad over ice, and I got myself a caramel macchiato. Once I sat down after giving Wednesday her coffee.
"You trust him?" I asked.
"No." She replied bluntly. "But I trust you."
"Why?" I asked in surprise.
"Because you know when to defend me and when to let me fight my own battles." She said trying to mask the happy undertones.
"I'm flattered." I grinned as she drank her quad.

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