Secrets and Confessions

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"If you had half a brain, you'd let go of my food!" Jelani growled ruthlessly as he glared Obi in the eye.

About half a year passed and he'd grown significantly. He'd gotten taller and more muscular. His brown mane got much longer, and hung just above his purple eyes and went down his neck to the tip of his left shoulder blade. His voice sported a lower more masculine pitch, and his attitude changed from when he was a cub, which posed a threat for those who came his way.

"Let go of my lunch, kid." Obi responded, not at all fazed by Jelani's threats.

He'd changed slightly as well. He too had gotten taller and stronger. His jet-black fur gradually turned brown and spots began to show.

"You got three seconds to let go, Shrimp." the light-tan lion said as he extracted his claws.

He slowly counted down. When Obi didn't budge, he tackled him, ripping the meat out of his grip and pressing his paw against his windpipe.

"I better not see your ugly face again," he hissed, applying more pressure to his victim's throat.

He turned away, with his slab of meat in his mouth and went to meet the rest of the pride. Obi stood there in shock. He trembled like a leaf. From the mouth of the den, Vuta saw everything and growled to himself. He immediately turned away.

"That cub is getting stronger every day," he murmured to himself. "He'll pose a threat when he's big enough. It's just a matter of days."

He sharpened his claws against the rocky terrain below.

"I can't let him ruin this!"

However, in the midst of his monologue, a slender, golden lioness that came his way caught his eye.

"Kiara," he said with a devilish grin. "You came back for more, did you?"

"In your dreams," she spat. "I'm just doing this for my family."

"You're adorable when you're in denial,"

"Don't make me sick."

"Well, let's get this over with, shall we?"

Kiara groaned in disgust as she and Vuta went off into the fields, which were barren since the herds moved on. Every time they became one, she'd get a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. An intense churning feeling that'd haunt her even after the deed was done. She wanted to retch. Maybe if she did, she'd purge all the sin from her body. She wonder how Kovu felt, looking down at her, seeing her mate with another male—the same male that destroyed their family and their home. She'd be scorned upon if anyone at Pride Rock—especially Zira—found out about this and fought to keep her skeletons in the closet where they belonged.

Meanwhile, back at Pride Rock, a brown-furred young male admired a lioness about his age from afar. He longed to be with her. However, because of their past, the hopes of every being with her were slim to none.

"Keisha..." he sighed. "I just wish I could tell you how sorry I was. If I could, I'd take everything back."

He continued to talk, not knowing that Nama and Obi were eavesdropping behind him.

"All I want to do is be with you."

"Really, Gamba?" Nama scoffed. "You could do so much better than her!"

"Piss off," he muttered to himself.

"What's the matter, Gamby?" Obi teased. "Keisha's got you whipped?"

The two hyenas started laughing loudly. Gamba swiftly turned back, shushing them.

"Stop it guys!" he hissed. "You'll blow my cover."

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