925 31 1

Dravis Adler

6:34 AM


i'm going to my team


i don't know if u watch my game last time

i'm so fucked up that day


babawi ako next game

baka hindi mo na ako ipag malaki kapag hindi mvp

at bano na mag laro

anyway when u woke up please eat breakfast


🔒 @sittie • 5s
you're so cute dravis :((

┗ 🔒 @sittie • 3s
do i deserve this kind of treatment of yours? huhu

8:01 AM


kakatapos lang practice

nasa sb ako with tristan and chan

kanina pa nila ako inaasar

what if ibitin ko sila patiwarik

just kidding

you're still sleeping?

okay i think you're so tired

even your busy with your school works please don't forget to rest and eat on time


🔒 @sittie • 2s
HAHAHAHA shuta ibitin daw patiwarik t^t

notice me, sir dravisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon