Chapter 2: The "Heart Beat" Revealed

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As they were on their way to their classroom, Coline, Joshua and John were discussing their upcoming exams and trying to calm each other's nerves. Suddenly, Joshua was hit by a car that was passing by. Coline was in shock, she couldn't believe what just happened. She ran to Joshua's side and saw that he was badly injured. She quickly called for help and stayed with Joshua until the ambulance arrived.

While this was happening, John suddenly collapsed and started experiencing chest pains. Coline was horrified, she couldn't believe that she was losing two of her closest friends in one day. She immediately called for help and stayed with John until the ambulance arrived.

Both Joshua and John were rushed to the hospital, and Coline was left alone to process what had just happened. She felt a mix of sadness and guilt, she couldn't help but think that if she had been paying more attention, she could have prevented the accident. She felt guilty for not realizing that John had a heart condition and not being able to save him.

Coline didn't know what to do, she felt lost and alone.

As Coline waited in the hospital, her heart heavy with worry, a doctor approached her. The doctor said that Joshua had died from his injuries and that they were able to harvest his heart to save someone else's life. Coline was devastated, she couldn't believe that Joshua was gone. She felt like a part of her was missing and she didn't know how she was going to move on.

The doctor then told her that John was in critical condition and they were doing everything they could to save him. Coline felt a glimmer of hope, she couldn't bear the thought of losing John too. She sat by his bedside, holding his hand and praying for him to pull through.

Coline was in shock and felt a range of emotions, from sadness to guilt and anger. She knew that Joshua's death and John's condition was not her fault, but she couldn't help but blame herself for not being able to prevent it. She knew that she had to stay strong for John and for herself. She knew that she had to honor Joshua's memory and to continue to support and be there for John, as they were there for her.

As the days passed, Coline was in a state of grief, she felt like she had lost a part of herself. She spent most of her time by John's bedside, hoping and praying for him to pull through. The doctors told her that there was a chance that John could receive a heart transplant, but the chances were slim.

One day, the doctor approached Coline with some news. They had done a test and found that Joshua's heart was a match for John. Coline couldn't believe what she was hearing, it felt like a small miracle. She knew that this was Joshua's way of looking out for John, even in death.

The doctors performed the heart transplant, and John slowly started to recover. Coline was overjoyed to see him getting better, she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She knew that Joshua's heart was now beating inside John, and that they were still connected in a way.

John eventually recovered and was able to go home. He was forever grateful to Joshua, and to Coline, for being there for him. Coline was grateful too, she knew that Joshua's death was not in vain, and that he was able to save John's life. She knew that Joshua would always be with them, in spirit, and that they will always have a special bond.

As they walked out of the hospital, John hugged Coline tightly. It was as if he was Joshua, and for a moment, Coline felt like he was still with her. She hugged him back, tears streaming down her face. She knew that Joshua's spirit was still with them, and that he was watching over them.

John then whispered to her, "I will always be here for you, Coline. I promise to make Joshua proud."

Coline felt a sense of comfort and closure, knowing that John was there for her and that Joshua's legacy will always be with them. They left the hospital together, hand in hand, ready to move forward and to make new memories. They knew that Joshua would always be a part of their lives, and that he will forever be remembered.

Two years have passed since Joshua's death and Coline has moved on with her life. She has been focusing on her studies and career, and has found a sense of purpose. She has also been able to find closure and peace with Joshua's passing.

John, on the other hand, has been struggling. He has been feeling guilty for being the recipient of Joshua's heart, and has been feeling like he is living in Joshua's shadow. He has also been feeling something else, something that he never thought he would feel again. He has realized that he has developed feelings for Coline, just like Joshua did when he was still alive.

John knew that confessing his feelings to Coline would be difficult, and he was afraid of ruining their friendship. He also knew that it would be disrespectful to Joshua's memory, but he couldn't deny his feelings. He didn't know what to do, and he was torn between his feelings and his loyalty to Joshua.

He decided to talk to Coline about it, knowing that it would be a difficult conversation. He gathered the courage and approached her, telling her about his feelings. He explained to her that he knew that it was wrong and that he didn't want to hurt her, but he couldn't help how he felt.

Coline listened patiently, and with a kind heart, she told John that she was flattered by his feelings but that she only saw him as a friend. She also said that she will always love Joshua and that it will take her more time to move on. She also assure John that they will still be friends and that she will always be there for him.

John was saddened but understood where Coline was coming from. He knew that it was not the right time, and that he needed to give Coline more space. He promised to be there for her, as a friend, and to support her in whatever she needed. And so, they both agreed to just be friends, knowing that Joshua will always be a special part of their lives.

To Be Continued

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