Chapter-1 "Beginning after the end"

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Disclaimer : I do not own my hero academia.

Growing up as an orphan is difficult, or so I've heard.

Not that I'd know, I had both my parents outlive me after all.
Now I skipped a few details.

My name is Aiden Zhang. I have no idea where the last name came from since my whole family's as white as they come.

I never bothered to ask my parents and they never told me. I've never met my grandparents either. They probably died.

Honestly I don't care much, My family has never been tight nit, if anything my parents could be called neglectful.

My father is always on oversea trips and  he has a bunch of mistresses. I found out way before mom did, and I got a few expensive gifts out of it.

At last, it wasn't too long before she found out. She cried to her 9 year old child cursing her father. I, the child, only felt disappointed that I would not be getting anything more out of it.

But it's in the past and it's obvious she's also in an affair now.

I don't really blame her, the guy hot. Charming even. I would've given it a shot.

Alas it was not to be and I try to avoid him as much as possible since he's literally fucking my mom.

We got a bit off topic, You guys are more interested in the death part right?

So I was on the roof top with my cat and I was listening to a play list of my favorite songs. Hollywood undead's bullet came on and sang along as a glanced at the ground, five stories away. Definitely over 50 meters.
I glanced at my cat.
Then at the ground again
And then I walked over to the edge and held it over the rail.

It squirmed in my grip and I wondered out loud "could you survive this fall?"
Then a quieter "could I? "

Then I jumped.
Last thing I saw was the sky, my childhood cat, that drowned last week, no where to be seen.

The first few months of my life was in darkness. I'm pretty sure I was floating but I didn't really have my past life's memories back then.

It's certainly .... An experience to remember being a normal, if a bit hyper aware baby.

Sometimes I remember waking up to a white haired man with a prominent nose. I think he's someone in a position of power.
The air of authority around him is unmistakable.

I never saw my new parents. But I'm suspecting the white haired man to be my father.

I wonder about my new mother sometimes. Maybe she died during birth.

My new life certainly was not normal, but I never knew normal. You'd think I should be used to abnormalities by now.

My new father did not drink. At least, not in front of a baby.

It was strange since I can't remember my real father going more than a few days without drinking.
Like father like daughter I suppose.
Damn it,
I think this is hell, i don't have bowel control, I can't drink , no pc, no games, no YouTube or literally anything else.

How I wish I could just drown myself in alcohol and forget about my problems.

My new dad  usually left me with a strange mist person dressed like a bartender. Father called him kurogiri. I still haven't figured out my dad's name in the six months since I was born. Was I counting? Pfft- no. There is a calendar in my room and kuro-chan showed me the date and my birthday.

Is kuro-chan a 'He? She? It?'
They calls father "master". Are they in an s&m relationship?

Probably not.
... right?

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