Part- 13 "What is in the villain's hand? Sweet, creamy crème brulée"

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I felt giddy. I found a cafe with good decor, nice staff and the best gelato I've ever had since I came to this world.

Oh and private rooms, it also has private rooms I can book and that's the best part. Although, I'm in the more open public area at the moment. This is one of those "I want to be seen" days.

"Thank you for your purchase, have a nice day" the two employees who followed me to the door chorused. They handed over a neatly packaged box of assorted sweets I had ready for takeout. I offered a sweet smile and a nod at the staff when I heard the rehearsed farewell. It's only polite after all.

It's been a few months since my transfer to Soumei, and things were going great. Iida's crush on me was certainly both sudden and surprising but useful.

Sure, I don't feel attraction to a 14 year old, even though he is closer to my age when I died . Well it's not that much of a surprise, I don't feel romantic or sexual attraction the way other people do. Although his interest in me is quite flattering and somewhat useful. The youngest Iida is quite gullible which has made my life easier.

Aah~ young love. How nice


A rugged man leaned against a wall in a dark alley, his swamp greenish brown hair blending in with the background.
The man with the unfortunate name of "poison", Doku held back a sigh as he rethought his life.

He used to be a bright child, he was popular with his peers and had plenty of girls who would compete for his attention. Why did he throw that away again?

Right. Heroes. Well maybe his father for leaving his mom or His mom's addiction but that's not his fault.. just his responsibility.

Right now, Doku needs money. He ran out of the money for his mother's heroine addiction this morning.

He lifts up his knife to the light, the knife glinting purple under the sun, a sign that it is coated with his quirk-produced paralytic.

He just had to wait for the perfect victim to arrive. An old man, he would be easy prey but he didn't look rich enough to rob and his poison can cause heart palpitations or even a heart attack if the victim is too frail.

Half an hour later, a scantily clad woman. She had a bit of jewelry on but he is willing to bet those are fake.

He pushed back the thought that her deep blue hair reminds him of his mother.

He waited for about 15 minutes before a rich looking kid passed through, clean high quality clothes, enough layers to keep warm at this time in the evening and an expensive looking watch. The kid had a package of that one fancy ass sweet shop up the street, yeah definitely a spoiled brat. Why is he out alone any way? That isn't Doku's problem, so he ignores the red flag that the kid really isn't what he seems.
If anyone can dress their child up like this, they wouldn't miss a single watch, would they?

He steps out of the shadows to confront the white haired brat.

"Oh look~ is that a spoilt brat I see? These parts are dangerous little young master~ Big bro will get you out safely if you hand over that shiny watch"


Yuusei takes one look at the man and another at the knife before he sighs.

"Or? You'll poison me with that knife and kill me?" He asks, he honestly doesn't feel like playing with the guy right now. He still has things to do, like a meeting with his favorite subordinates. The poison robber seems to tense up, getting ready for an attack or.. whatever his goal is. Either way, it doesn't matter.

Because two things happened.

A sickening *schlick* sound, a few seconds later a soft thud and a splat.

Because he was cut neatly in half, his torso fully separated from his body. A barrier-like razor sharp film being the cause of the man's unfortunate demise.

The upper body slowly slides off his still standing legs and unceremoniously fell onto the ground, his innards spilling onto the pavement with a tiny disgusting noise.

The man is dead instantly.

Yuusei doesn't even twitch, he activates telekinesis to pick the two pieces of meat off the ground and crushes it in mid air.

He feels the quirk he just took, making a drop of eerily green poison seep out of his finger and letting it mix with the blood.

Unmarred by any blood, Yuusei walks away, and absentmindedly thinks to himself about how the blood was the exact shade as the eyes he sees in the mirror. 


In a secure meeting room at a police station nearby, a cat man hands a folder to a dog man. That sounds like the start of a bad joke but the situation is anything but a laughing matter.

Sansa holds back a sigh, knowing what exactly is in that report he handed over to his superior Kenji Tsuragamae. The Dog mutant reads over the folder, eyebrows or the equivalent of eyebrows on his wrinkled furry head furrowing. He agrees with the sentiment wholeheartedly.

The increased amounts of gruesome blood splatters of various missing people have increased drastically during the last 6 months. The dna matches are mostly that of criminals or villains whom are are presumably dead since none of the matches have appeared after the blood has been spotted.

And the only lead they have on the perpetrator is a blurry video of a small figure with white hair or hat crushing up a villain with some sort of force field into mush.

The quirk was reminiscent of the late hero Defender's shield quirk, A relative perhaps, one kidnapped and groomed in a nefarious scheme of a sort of twisted irony villains seem to love.

"Show me the clip" the dog mutant's rough voice ring out in authority. The lines on his fave grave as he asks for the evidence, the one lead they have on this mysterious massacre-spree. Massacre because this, this level of callous cruelty isn't mere killing.

Sansa hands over the USB stick, knowing full well his superior would ask for the evidence, he had it on hand in case he did.


Kenji Tsuragamae watches as the blurry white haired figure gets approached by Doku, the confirmed victim, with a knife. They seem to pause, most likely exchanging words. Within a flash, the villain was wing crushed, the small figure not even lifting a hand.

And the perpetrator walks out of frame ,not even putting down the package in their hand.

What is in the package, fire arms? No not enough space. Illegal quirk enhancement drugs like trigger? Possible, the amount of trigger regulating the city has been increasing. Information? Illegal support equipment?
Kenji wonders, each possibility getting him more worked up.
"Have the detective team analyze the logo on the package and report back" Kenji orders and Sansa salutes. "Yes sir"

A.N : Sorry for the very late update, I got hit with a case of the fanfic author curse big time. How do you like Yuusei finally getting out of the shadows? What is his public villain name going to be? Kenji thinking Yuusei's box of sweets are some kind of horrible weapon is my favorite part about this chapter, What is really yours? Have any ideas on things you would like to see? Let me know and I'll see if I can fit that in!

I wrote a longer than average chapter to try to make up for it

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