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Hyejung pov
*sigh* 'Here I am now betrayed by the man I have trusted and loved.

I thought that I'll be able to trust him, but guess not.

Hyejung why do you have to be so stupid!.

You are the world's most skilled and dangerous assassin yet you got killed because you let your feelings get to you first.'

'Me and John just finished are mission to kill the president of the biggest cindecate and return the riches he had stolen.

"Hyejung" John started.
"Hmm? Yes? " I replied.

"You do know that we have been through thick and thin together right?"

"Yes and? "

"Maybe this is the time to tell you the truth about my feelings for you" he stated

'I suddenly felt my face heat up. "What about your feelings? ".

John walk closer to me until our noses and lips were only inches apart.

" I just wanna tell you that I....

Really HATE you hyejung! "
What? He hates me? But why?
As John pulled out a sword and stabbed me.

I quickly backed away. "John why! Why did you do this to me?! " I questioned while preparing to pull out the sword of but I suddenly feel really heavy and dizzy.

"Oh it's simple hyejung, I am a spy and I got a mission to befriend and kill you"

"Bu.. But why! I thought we had something going on"

"Did you honestly think that I had feelings for you?"

"Your such a fool for thinking that I'll have an attachment to you"

"Hah honestly I can't believe that the world's most skilled and dangerous assassin can fall in love with me, I mean I wouldn't wonder why, it's just that I'm such a skilled and handsome spy that you couldn't resist me"

"Why you! " I said while panting and gasping for air and still trying to pull out the sword.

"Oh don't even try to pull out that sword honey because even if immune to poisons, that one is a mix of all the dangerous poisons around the world that even "you" wouldn't be able to resist". He stated.

"Just you wait John I'll come back and hunt you for the rest of your life!! " I said with so much hatred.

"Oh you don't have to keep me waiting because I'll send you off now" he said before pulling a gun out and shooting me right in the head.

Before I even knew it, I was dead.

'And here we are in this situation right now. *Sigh*can't believe my life ends just like that. That assh*le I'll never forgive him!

But wait....if I'm already dead then why am I able to think like this? And why is it a little stuffy and warm here and it's also so dark?

Wait.. A minute. Why do I feel like being pulled out!??

Wahhhh omg am I being suck in some kind of black hole?

"WAHHHH!! " I suddenly heard a baby crying.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Ectrie, Mrs. Ectrie give birth to a baby girl a healthy one at that" A man's voice stated.

"Thank you doctor" I suddenly heard a woman's voice.

"Our little girl, isn't she just beautiful? " the woman asked.

"Yes she is my love" an another man's voice said.

Ok... What in the world is going on here? Why the heck am I hearing strange people's voices?

And WHY is the baby not stop crying? Like why?


Wait! No no no this ain't real this must be just a dream, I mean I couldn't have been transmigrated as a baby in another world right?

Yeah that ain't possible and besides I don't have enough reasons or evidence that I really am in a different world

Hm.. Ok, I'll believe that I'm in another world and this is all real if I feel like I'm sucking something like my supposed to be my mothers breast.

And if not, then it's probably my past life memories, because science says that the human has 7 minutes to see their life throughout the years and after that it's all over, no one really knows what happens next after that.

Wait... Why do I suddenly feel like something is on my mouth? Like I'm sucking something...

Oh no, don't tell me that this is really all real?!

Wait.. Hyejung relax, your the world's most skilled and dangerous assassin so you should calm down.

Yes, that's it. The reason why I'm here is because God has taken pity on me and decided to give me a second chance in life.

Thank you to whoever is watching above there for giving me this chance on life.

And so my life begins in this world that I don't have knowledge of..

*hi everyone Angel-chan here! So how was the chapter? Did you enjoy or not?
Let me know what you think in the comments

Anyways peace out 😘😀👋

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