The Plan

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"Now for everyone's favourite Mr. Fantastic, Y/N Fisher!" 

Y/N walks out to cheers and clapping kissing Florence as he sits beside her.

"And of course everyone's favourite Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson!" 

Scarlett walks out waving before sitting beside Y/N. 

"The fans are buzzing with questions so lets get started."

"Buzzy bees." Y/N says making everyone laugh as he smiles. 

"Y/N why did you lie to us, you said Reed is dead." 

"I made a deal with Kevin that led to a change in the original ending of Age of Ultron where Nat and Reed get together and he is in the other Avengers' movies and dies in endgame-" Fans boo.

"Yes I'm so mean for taking that from you but the deal was that we fake Reed's death and I would return to play him if Scarlett ever got her own movie."

"So you got her this movie?"

"No her amazing acting did." He puts his hand on her leg.

Everyone starts asking others questions as Y/N rubs Scarlett's thigh inching closer to her core when she moves his hand. 


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Is Reed going to become a villain?"

"I think that-" He pretends to faint. 

Florence starts laughing pulling him to sit up. 

"Next question?" 

"Are you happy that Reed got his relationship with Natasha and that you got to kiss Scarlett?"

"Yes I am happy they got their relationship and I mean who doesn't want to kiss Scarlett?" He winks at her which makes her blush.

Florence smacks his arm and folds her arms. He turns to her and tries to apologise which she accepts as they kiss.

At another panel, Y/N and Florence are answering questions about their relationship which makes Scarlett jealous. She puts her hand on Y/N's thigh like he did to her as they talk. 

"Scarlett what was it like pretending to be in a relationship with Y/N?"

"It was amazing, he is a great kisser. I find it hard to believe some of those kisses didn't have love in them."

She moves her hand closer rubbing him through his pants as he grabs Florence's hand under the table.

"Was there love in those kisses Y/N?" 

"N-nope." Florence quickly realises what is happening and tries to keep a straight face. 

"Why are you stuttering? Are you lying?" Florence asks as Y/N shakes his head. 

"No, I'm telling the truth."

Scarlett removes her hand knowing she has him worked up. Florence and Y/N share a look, an agreement the fight will happen after this. 

After the panel they all head back stage when Florence and Y/N decide to stage their fight.

"Why were you stuttering Y/N? Did you enjoy kissing her?"

"What? No."

"Then why did you stutter?"

"Because she was touching me." 

Y/N points at Scarlett who was listening to the fight.

"Did you touch him?"

"The last panel he was trying to touch my pussy through my clothes but I stopped him."

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