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The ray come throught the curtains fallen on beauty who sleep in deep slumber ,they rays make him more beautiful,the view was so ethereal and Infront the beast admire his beauty and creased his cheek with his palm .......

" You looking so there just like fallen angel just for mine " this was his daily routine he wake up early and admiring the beauty ..

his hand trace tae face to his neck and more but when he see the bursie and hickey all over his body tears flowing in his eyes ...he again lost his temper and his inner beast overcome ...

As soon as he thought about this, his body started shaking badly. He did what he feared again. He quickly removed the blanket from Taehyung and the next moment his eyes widened in fear. The marks of his brutality last night were all over Taehyung's body. There was no part where there were no marks. He started crying like crazy person .......

Taehyung woke up from the sound of his screams and seeing JK in front of him, he picked up the blanket without any expression on his face and covered his body with his whole being....

JK's crying and shouting did not matter to him. He started to get up from the bed, JK held his hand and started trembling badly

"I'm sorry iii--ii--. I didn't want to do all that. I didn't do all that to you. He was the beast who did everything to you. I didn't even think about doing that to you." I can't. I'm sorry."

He was speaking in a hushed tone. Taehyung started leaving him without saying anything. JK then grabs him.

"Don't do it. I'll die without you. Why don't you understand? I've gone crazy behind you. I don't understand anything without you." He turned Taehyung towards him and said looking into his eyes.

"Your eyes drive me crazy .. it's clearly say you will run away and never come back to me " he deeply seen into his ocean eyes which filled with tears and fear .....

" Should I go now " without effected on his words tae asked which give pain in jk heart .... " I am sorry forgive me 😭" tae nodded and tried to leave

jk tightly hold his shoulder both side and aggressively shakes him with darken eyes "forgive me nowww, can't you see the love in my eyes towards you huh,I am dying here beauty" he shouted angrily

" Yes I see many other thingd also which more than love" he said with plain face..

" Nooo just see the love " he shouted which shiver tae with his dark redish eyes it's seem like his body all blood come into his eyes he was losing his temper he tightly hugged him

" please say you love me please otherwise I burn the orphanage say " he crazily chatting

One side he plead him and on the other hand he also threaten....

Tae closed his eyes and take deep breath again those threaten which he hate ...

" I love you" after listening this words jk hugged him more tightly

"I love you too I know you love me..... don't leave me because of that psycho beast know naww beast love his beauty " tae just want to relise himself from the psycho person hold .....

it was not new from him ,he always do the same thing and the next he asked forgiveness like crazily...

most of the time he punished himself badly for touching his beauty first tae scared now he used to it ...but it ended up to fearing badly .....

He carry tae to washroom for freshen up ..he gently placed tae bath tab for not hurting him ..... it's not crazy

Taehyung's heart want to push this person away from him. But by doing this, he knew what JK's reaction would be.

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