Girl Meets World Part 1

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Our story begins where three girls are sitting in a bay window of apartment 26 Greenwitch Village, Manhattan.

Violet Prov.

"Why do we have to sneak out of the house if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak onto the subway?" Riley nervously asks her two best friends. "You think you're ready to just walk by your parents?" Maya asks while sending me an amused look. "I think I'm ready." Riley says trying to look confident. "Alright then Riles, let's see your face as you walk by your parents." I ask trying to hold in my laughter as her face morphs into an 'I am up to no good' look.

"Why are you making that face at us, Riley?" Maya asks trying to sound like Mr. Matthews while I send her a mom look. "Because I'm sneaking onto the subway." Riley admits almost instantly making me chuckle. "Out the window." Riley decides while Maya follows with a "Let's go." Both of them basically crawling over my lap to get out the window. Shaking my head at them I couldn't help but think, 'I sometimes wonder just how predictable these two can be.' as I move to the other side of the window seat.

Not even 5 seconds later I hear Riley say, "Daddy, what are you doing here?" which of course Maya has to follow with "Being smarter than me. How come you're always smarter than me?" while they both crawl back through the window. "Had fun leaving me behind?" I ask in a teasing voice as they both just pout at me before sitting on Riley's bed.

"Here's what I'm thinking." Mr. Cory Matthews says as he climbs into Riley's room sending me a small smile before turning back to Riley and Maya. "It's not your world yet. It's still my world. Because if it was your world, Maya would have you on the subway already, thinking you put something over on me, while Violet stayed behind to make sure I didn't have a panic attack or call the police. But you didn't. Know how I know? Look at ya. You're right here." Mr. Matthews says as I move to sit next to Maya on Riley's bed.

"How long do I have to live in my father's world?" Riley asks us sounding almost pleading to make the world her own. Maya and I just send her soft smiles. "Until you make it yours. Riley, do you know what I want more than anything? Go ahead, make it yours." Mr. Matthews says looking ever the proud father. I silently reach across Maya to give her hand a little squeeze to tell her we're here for her. "I will. And when I do will you still be there for me?" Riley asks giving Mr. Matthews an unsure look, giving my hand a silent squeeze back.

Suddenly Riley's bedroom door swings open and Mrs. Topanga Matthews leans against the door frame, looking like the ever-cool mom she is. "Right here. We'll be right here." she says while smiling at all three of us.  Riley, Maya, and I look at each other before linking our arms and striding out of Riley's room, embracing the new day. 

As we walked into the subway I had to turn my face away from Riley, trying desperately to hide my laugh at how scared but still awe-struck her face went as she observed the subway people for the 'first time'

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As we walked into the subway I had to turn my face away from Riley, trying desperately to hide my laugh at how scared but still awe-struck her face went as she observed the subway people for the 'first time'. Maya playfully hit my shoulder, sending an almost teasing smile to me as we moved to Busker, who was drumming away like he always did. Maya started doing her little dance, which drew Riley's attention while I just pulled out a lunch bag from my school bag.

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