Girl Meets the Forgotten Part 2

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Violet Prov.

"All right. The potatoes you prepared yesterday will be served today." Ms. Thompson tells us with a sigh as we once again stand in the cafeteria lunch kitchen. "When do we get paid?" Maya asks, making me nudge her lightly. "The grateful look on everyone's faces will be pay enough for me." Riley happily tells us. "You want a pat on the back, you better get a longer arm. This is not the job for attaboys' or you go girls." Ms. Thompson tells us with her hands on her hips.

"Yesterday was the hardest I've worked in my life." Riley tells Ms. Thompson as I gently rub her back. "I have no doubt of that. Now, for the actual hard part." Ms. Thompson says, making me frown slightly as I wonder what we're going to do now. "That's a joke. You're funny, right?" Maya asks Ms. Thompson in disbelief. "When that lunch bell rings, brace yourselves, rookies. It's about to get real in here. You're in charge of the potatoes. You scoop them up, you plop them down. Scoop, then plop. Say it." Ms. Thompson instructs us, again using her stern voice.

"Scoop" Riley starts scared, "And plop." I squeak. "Say it." Maya finishes in fear. "Now, after those plates go out, guess what happens next." Ms. Thompson says. "We can go home." Riley tells her. "You can go home." Ms. Thompson laughs before turning serious again and loudly says "No!"

"Those dishes come back with twice the fury. They come in here. You scrape. You rinse. They go on here, where they go on their little dish journey, where they are reborn as clean dishes for tomorrow. Hallelujah!" Ms. Thompson tells us as she shows us each step with a creepy smile. "Say it." Ms. Thompson tells us. "Hallelujah." Riley says sacred while I let out a squeaky "Hallelujah." "Say it." Maya finishes, looking at Ms. Thompson in horror.

"This is it. You ready?" Ms. Thompson excitingly asks us as the bell rings. "How bad can middle school lunch get?" Riley states, as I look at both of them in fear already calculating the dishes that we were about to serve and wash. "Goodbye, tiny little girls. Let's do this thing." Ms. Thompson says as she brings us into a group hug. We hear screaming coming towards us, making Maya, Riley, and I look at each other before letting out a war cry and getting to work.

  We hear screaming coming towards us, making Maya, Riley, and I look at each other before letting out a war cry and getting to work

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"Whoo." Riley says as we turn back to Ms. Thompson. "They have been served." Maya and I say as we smile at Ms. Thompson. "By us." Riley adds. "The servers." Maya finishes proudly. "Except no one smiled." I say sadly. "And nobody said thank you." Maya continues, also looking slightly upset. "And nobody even knew my name. And I go to school with these people." Riley says, making me rub her back in comfort again.

"Welcome to my world." Ms. Thompson tells us. "Well, at least the hard part is over." Riley says happily. "I don't think so Sunshine." I tell Riley as I wait for the dishes to come. "No, now comes the actual, actual hard part." Ms. Thompson says, looking at me with a nod. "Why do you keep making that same joke?" Maya asks, sounding scared but also a little mad. "Look over here. Wait for it. Here it comes. Wait for it." Ms. Thompson says in actual fear as she pulls us to the side and motions at the place where the dishes come back in.

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