14. War Council

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The room is very small, and has to do the work of an entire building five times it's size. Junk sticks out of closets and corners, and papers are spread across semi-stable stacks of boxes rather than tables. Strewn across the floor are yet more sheets, covered in detritus. Elbow room is a scarce commodity, and standing room even more so.

Hades stands over one of the maps, hands in constant motion. He seems almost like like all his nerves have been strung out one by one, leaving him frayed and scattered. Persephone stands next to him, trying to keep a box from toppling over. She winces every time the pile shifts, surreptitiously trying to fix it.

"I just wish I could help. I don't want to leave you to this alone."

"It's okay. You're not a warrior, not anymore. I'm not alone. It's fine-so help me, if you don't stop-"

"Where's Athena?"

The pair look up to see the others standing, rather awkwardly, in the entrance.

The box topples, contents scattering over the floor. Persephone looks to be repressing a scream.

Hades frowns. "I...I have no idea."

"She went to fight." Persephone rubs the back of her neck. "Didn't leave an explanation, only the helmet." She nods towards the helmet in question, which could easily be mistaken for a paperweight. There is a sizeable dent in the side.

"Can't imagine why."

"Darling, we've talked about this."

Hades grimaces, sheepish. "Well...sure. Anyway. She'll be-"

Athena clears her throat.


Hera and Hecate step aside, and Athena sweeps into the room. Red blood and golden ichor is smeared across her armour. The sight makes Hera feel sick.

She wastes no time on formalities. "He's freed the giants."

"What?!" Persephone lurches forward, sending papers flying. "Those-he-"

"Only one this time, thankfully. We didn't suffer any losses." She wipes some of the blood from her cheek-or tries to. It smears across her knuckles. "But the others will be out there. It will be worse next time."

"How's Artemis?" Hera asks quietly.

Athena swallows. "Not the best. But she recovers fast. She won't stop."

She hesitates. "It's not good for her."

"When did you last rest?"

Athena scowls at Hestia. "That's beside the point. I assume you want me to summarise the recent events."

Hera nods. "Please."



At war for six weeks.

Exiled from Olympus.

Hera shakes her head. "There has to be another way."

"Then what do you suggest?"

Hera thinks. There's no malice in the words, but they remind her of her responsibility. She needs to find a way, to lead.

And they will help her. They will always help her. Sometimes she has to remind herself of the fact.


"Is Hephaestus with us?"

Athena cocks her head. "He's still with the cause, if that's what you ask. Still spends all his time in the forge."

"Good." The idea forms slowly. "I'd like to have a word with him."

Hera, Queen Of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now