Ch.3:It's My Scoop

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Ben and Geronimo were racing into the new Mayor's office. Geronimo had an interview with him. However, when they got there, several other reporters had shown up, and one of the Mayor's assistants was blocking the door.

Assistant:I told you, the only new reporter the new Mayor has agreed to speak with is Geronimo Stilton.

Geronimo:Oh, that's me!


Assistant:But Mr.Stilton, I already let you in to interview the new mayor. What are you doing out here?

Geronimo was surprised.

Geronimo:What? That's impossible.

Ben:I smell a rat from The Daily Rat.

Geronimo:I double that smell. Come on!

They stormed in to see a rat wearing a suit similar to Geronimo's.

Geronimo:Ha! Just as I thought!

Geronimo:Ha! Just as I thought!

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Geronimo:Simon Squealer!

Simon snickered.

Later at the office, Geronimo was fuming. Alex was waiting for them

Alex:How'd the interview go?

Geronimo:Terribly! I can't believe I was scooped by Simon Squealer posing as me!

Ben:How did he know that the new mayor was giving you the exclusive?

Geronimo:I don't know, but this is exactly the kind of underhand tactic, I'd expect from Simon's boss:Sally Rasmussen.

Alex:Sally who now?

Geronimo:Sally Rasmussen. Head of The Daily Rat, our rival. Unlike us, they'd do ANYTHING for a scoop. Even pulling some dirty tricks.

Alex:Wow...what a butt.

Ben:You have no idea.

Geronimo:I have a few other more fitting words, but they aren't exactly appropriate.

Ben's pad suddenly went off.

Ben:Heads up! News flash!

He grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. And Sally's news report came on.

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