Bonus:You don't need to be related to be family

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Alex came home from school on day.

Thea:Hey bud. How was school?

However, Alex strangely didn't speak to her. He just stomped past her and went to his room. Thea was confused, her son had never acted like this before. She decided to check on him.

Thea:Sweetie, are you okay?

Alex was curled up, not even looking at her.

Alex:I'm fine...

Thea went in closer to put her hand on his shoulder, but he pushed her away. Thea was surprised. Alex had never acted like this. She decided to give him some alone time. However, over the rest of the week, this behavior continued. Thea was beginning to get concerned. But Alex still refused to speak to her. She later told the others at the office what was happening.

Geronimo:That is odd.

Thea:Something's been bugging him, but he won't tell me what it is. Do you two think you can keep an eye on him tomorrow?


Pandora:Of course.

The next day at school, Ben and Pandora secretly fallowed Alex. During lunch, an older boy came up to Alex

Bully:Aren't you gonna cry to your mommy? Oh wait, that's right. She isn't your mommy. Which means she isn't gonna help you.

Pandora and Ben were disgusted.

Bully:They don't care about you. She only adopted you for the monthly payments from the state. You really gonna have your fake family help you? You aren't even related to them, so that outcome is pretty unlikely.

Ben and Pandora couldn't believe what they were hearing. Later, they told Thea what happened.

Thea:He said WHAT?!

Ben:He's been teasing Alex, saying we don't really love him just because we aren't related.

Thea:Unbelievable. So what if he's adopted? That doesn't mean I don't love him. Its about time we put an end to this

Thea came in to her son's room.

Alex:Go away...

Thea:No. Ben and Pandora told me what's been going on. Bud, we both know what that jerk said isn't true.

Alex was still curled up.

Alex:Do you...really love and care about me?

Thea:Sweetie, of course I care about you. Let me ask you something, if I really didn't care about you, would you be here?

Alex looked at her and shook his head.

Thea:Exactly. So what if we aren't related? That doesn't mean you aren't part of this family and that I don't love you.

She hugged her son.

Alex:Thanks, Mom.

Thea:First thing tomorrow, we are going to that school, and putting an end to this.

The next day, Alex went to school, and the bully continued to pick on him.

Bully:Look who it is, the boy with a fake family.

Alex:Save it! I'm done hearing your lies about my Mom and my family.

Bully:I'm surprised you still call them that.


The bully turned around to see Thea with the Principal.

Principal:What is this I've been hearing about you bullying Ms.Stilton's son?

Bully:Her son? He's not related to her.

Principal:So just because they aren't related, that makes it okay to pick on Alex and spew lies about his family?


The Principal escorted the bully down the hall.

Principal:You are in a lot of trouble, young man!

Alex hugged Thea.

Alex:I'm really glad to have someone like you for a Mom.

Thea:Thanks, bud...

Thea's son(Geronimo Stilton x Child reader)Where stories live. Discover now