William. The head of a church.

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you could hear his footsteps echoed off the large ceiling. They walked towards what looked like a small door compared to the rest of the large room. It was made of a dark wood that looked surprisingly nice against the rest of the marble room. "lady's first." William said as he held open the door for Isabella walked into the room not even looking at William. Eric joined her in the room as William closed it behind the three with a loud slamming sound, that echoed through the office making Isabella jump slightly in Suprise. "Sit." Eric looked behind him to Willaim as the air in the room suddenly became denser. Eric walked over to the two wooden chairs that sat Infront of a large desk in the center of the room. Isabella walked over to the other chair and sat down; she started twiddling her thumbs in anticipation of what Willaim would most likely try to threaten them with. Eric started getting nervous as he looked at Isabella taking notice of how William walked over to the chair on the other side of the desk. 

William cleared his throat as he shuffled some of the papers on his desk to make them more organized and in a neat stack. "What where you doing in Glorys field? You know I don't allow people in it." Willaim said as he seemed to be glaring at Isabella as she tried to avoid his gaze by sinking into her chair more. Eric looked between the two of them trying to think of a way to keep Isabella out of trouble. "I asked her to go with me to pick some nonhuman like flowers. She only went because I asked her to." Eric gave an awkward smile as Willaim turned his gaze to him. "So, you are the reason Isabella went behind my back." Willaim leaned back in his chair as he clasped his hands together. "Who are you anyways? I've never seen you in the church before." 

Although Willaim didn't have an actual face you could tell he was glaring daggers. The smiley face sticker on his TV head seemed to now be hiding something more sinister in his demeanor. "I'm Eric." He said trying to hide the lump in his throat and how terrified he was in general. "I've never heard that name before...Eric..." Willaim repeated a few times. It seemed like he was trying to figure out if he had indeed never heard of the name before. Suddenly the sound of the church entrance door bursting open was heard as Willaim got up with a huff. He reached his hand over to what looked like an extremely sharp letter opener. "I guess I'll go and look and see what that was." He pushed open the door the letter opener still in his hand it looked like there was a small amount of dried blood on the tip...

Eric shuffled in his seat, anxious and nervous about the whole situation that has now unfolded Infront of him. "What do you think come into the church?" Erics curiosity got the better of him as he glanced over at Isabella who was still sunken down in her chair. She seemed to be more on autopilot then actually listening to anything that had been said. "h-hm?" Her ears perked up at the sound of Eric voice as she slightly straightened her back in the chair. "Forget it" Eric waved his hand as the sound of the door behind them opened. "Iris has decided to join us." William pointed to a chair in the corner of the room signaling for Iris to drag it over to join Eric and Isabella. She did as she was silently told and sat down in it, glancing at Isabella. Iris just then took notice to the letter opener in Willaims hands. "Where you planning to stab me if I wasn't well...me?" Willaim looked between her and the letter opener. "Yep." He threw the letter opener back on the table, as he walked over to the window and looked out of it. 

"Isabella and Eric. You two will be going on a mission with Candy." Isabellas eyes widened with fear as she looked at Williams back. "Wait why can't she go on a mission with me?" Iris got up walking over to William. "Because." Willaim ran his fingers over the window ceil. "I said so." He moved his fingers around; some dust feel down from his gloved hand.  William walked out of the room without another word. The door slammed shut behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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