"Young Love"

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A/N: warnings smut.

Tris feels consumed.

The kiss was like none other that her and Jack had shared. His hand slides up to tangle in her hair and she sighs against his mouth, unable to help herself as his fingers scratch against her scalp.

"I'll go slow." He mumbles against her lips before sealing them against her once more.

She knew she needed him to go slow. That slow was something many girls had not been afforded for their first times. She'd heard them recount how their new husbands had been quick and rough, not caring as they took what was now theirs to take.

But Jack wasn't her husband.

They weren't engaged.

This was pure emotion and love. They were equal. Just like her parents and their own love story. Just like her uncle John and Abigail, like Uncle Charles and Tiio. She was not property to be consumed. She was his and he was hers.

Jack's hand slides over her hip. His fingers leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake as he settles against the curve of her back. Tris feels every inch of his touch, her body singing with electricity as a pleasurable thrum races up her spine.

 Tris feels every inch of his touch, her body singing with electricity as a pleasurable thrum races up her spine

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"I feel like I'm on fire." She gasps.

Jack pulls back his eyes dark as they search her face, "We can stop if you'd like."

"No!" She almost whines, not wanting this feeling to end.

His brows shoot up but he eases into a steady smile. Suddenly feeling bashful at her eagerness she lowers her head, sliding her hands over his chest and feeling his heart pound beneath his shirt.

"Can you take this off?"

She wanted to feel his skin. Her fingers itched to touch the planes of muscle she's only previously felt through fabric during stolen moments together.

"Sure. C'mere."

He steps back towards the bed and slips a hand into hers, pulling her towards the bed and indicating for her to lay down. Settling down Tris rolls onto her side and props her head up on her hand.

Pulling free his shirt from his jeans he unbuttons himself. Shrugging off the material and reaching for his jeans he pauses when he catches her gaze.

"Enjoying the show?"

Biting her lip she nods, the blush rising up her cheeks.

"I ain't ever been able to look at you so freely before."

She thinks back to all the times she'd taken in his shirtless form while he worked. Sneakily stealing glances as she passed him so as not to raise suspicion.

Right now she felt like a kid set free in the candy shop.

Jack raises his brow. His smirk growing.

"You been creeping on me?"

HERS |Tris Morgan x Jack Marston |Book III of HIS SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now