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Chapter warnings: brief smut

You kissed Arthur goodbye. Preparing to send him off on his annual hunting trip.

Even though he was only leaving for a few days you missed him immensely whenever he was gone.

"A few night's sleep and I'll be back." He whispers his lips brushing against your temple.

You whine childishly burying your fists in his shirt and making him chuckle.

"I'll make it up to you when I'm back." He tips your chin up with his finger. His eyes were bright with his intent.


He dips his head lower, pressing his mouth to your ear, ensuring the others can't hear him.

"I'll spend the entire night between your thighs. How's that sound?"

Heat creeps up your neck and your breath hitches.

"I'll hold you to it" You sigh, knowing you had to let him leave. "Make sure Alfie behaves."

He chuckles, pressing a final kiss to your lips. His teeth nip at your bottom lip, letting you know he'd be thinking of the night he'd promised you.

"ARTHUR WOULD YOU GET OFF HER AND HURRY UP!?" John calls, already mounted on his horse.

Arthur sighs, shaking his head. "Think I could shoot him instead of a deer?"

You lean around your husband glaring daggers at your brother-in-law and Charles, who waves cheekily beside him. Your son, Alfie, sits further back atop the horse Arthur had given him. His face was buried in his hands as he leaned over the saddle. Clearly, he was embarrassed by your and Arthur's open display of affection.

"You should go." You mutter, leaning up to steal one last kiss. "I'll see you in strawberry."

"You think Tris'll make it down there?" He slings his satchel over his shoulder, his voice hopeful. 

Your brows knit together. There was something going on with your daughter but you weren't sure it was illness. You were quite sure it had something to do with whatever was going on with her and Jack.

"I'm sure." You reassure, knowing he was worried.

Satisfied, he salutes you and Abigail goodbye, leaving you both to wave the men goodbye.

They'd barely disappeared down the trail when Abigail turns to you, her eyes glinting brightly.

"Don't start." You warn, pinching your nose, and turn back to the trail that led up to the house.

"What?" her grin widens and she falls into step beside you.

"You know exactly what and I don't want to talk about it."

You had made a point of avoiding the whole conversation. It wasn't that you weren't happy for Tris. In fact, her being with Jack filled you with relief. She was with someone who you knew would care for her and respect her. It was that Arthur would never see it that way and you knew it wasn't going to end well.

"C'mon Y/N!" Abigail throws up her hands, hurrying her pace to keep up with you. "I'm excited, you're the only one I can talk to about this."

You stumble and she skids to a stop beside you. "You didn't tell John?"

Her arms fold across her chest and she juts out her hip. "The hell do you take me for? I love that man but he's dumber than a bag o' rocks some days. You really think I'd tell him and have him running his mouth to Arthur?"

Exhaling you crane your head up the trail. At the top of the hill you could just make out the fence of your property.

"He'll be careful with her won't he?"

HERS |Tris Morgan x Jack Marston |Book III of HIS SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now