"A Father's Hell"

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Arthur's hand falls to the barndoor, his heart hammering in his chest as he pushes the door open. And then he sees them. His precious daughter, tangled up in the arms of that no-good son of a bitch.


His vision goes red with fury, and without another word, he turns on his heel and storms out of the barn. Tris and Jack stare after him in shock, their faces paling rapidly.

Tris pulls away from Jack, her heart racing with fear and shame. She knew her father would be furious if he found out about her relationship with Jack, but she never thought he would catch them in the act.

As she pulls her dress back into place and tries to smooth her hair, she can hear Arthur stomping back towards the house. She knows what he's going to do next, and it makes her sick to her stomach.

"Jack, you have to go," she cries urgently, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the door. "He is going to kill you."

Jack's eyes widen with fear as he realizes the gravity of the situation. He knows how protective Arthur is, that his past relationship didn't mean anything after what he'd just caught them doing.

Arthur's heart is pounding in his chest as he storms back to the house, his mind racing with anger and betrayal. How could his little girl do something like this? How could she sneak around behind his back? How could Jack betray him? After everything he'd done for the kid, this was how he repaid him?

By defiling my daughter.

As he reaches the front door, his ears were ringing with rage his mind burned with the image of Tris lying under Jack as they...

He shakes his head. A threatening growl bubbles from his throat.

"Arthur?" You ask, standing when you see the murderous glare on his face. "What's going on?"

Arthur doesn't answer, his eyes fixed on the shotgun hanging by the door. He reaches up and takes it down, feeling the weight of it in his hands. It's a comforting weight, a familiar weight. He has used this gun to protect his family for years, and he knows every inch of detail from its aim to its recoil.

But now, he realizes that he wants to use it to destroy the man who had corrupted his daughter.

"Arthur..." Abigail mirrors your panic, as the two of you begin to piece together the events. "Just calm down, we can work this out peacefully. We're a family."

"Someone wanna fill me in?" John frowns looking at Arthur questioningly.

Arthur doesn't respond. He strides past them, his mind focused on one thing: finding Jack and making him pay for what he has done.

"Arthur wait!" You hurry to catch up with him. "We need to talk about this."

Arthur doesn't listen. His mind is consumed with rage and he can't think straight. He storms towards the barn, snapping the shotgun closed when he's sure it's loaded.

"Oh boy." Alfie gulps and grabs his hat, chasing you out of the door.

Abigail follows close behind, pleading with him to stop and think about what he's doing. John, still confused, lags behind, trying to catch up and make sense of the situation.

Tris sprints from the barn as he approaches, tears streaming down her face. "Papa, please!" she begs, holding her hands up in a plea for mercy.

But it's too late. Arthur has already spotted Jack rushing from the barn, his shirt still half buttoned and his eyes wide with panic.

"You son of a bitch," Arthur growls, raising the shotgun.

"You son of a bitch," Arthur growls, raising the shotgun

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HERS |Tris Morgan x Jack Marston |Book III of HIS SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now