where it starts and ends

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A girl was walking home one day. Her name is Jane. It was late at night when she started walking back home. Jane had to walk in a sketchy pathway to get back home. Everytime she walked down the pathway, she felt scared.

While Jane was walking, she noticed there was a car following her not so close behind. She felt goosebumps all over and feel like she couldn't breath, so she started walking faster. Jane started running when she noticed the car still following her.

When she stopped to take a deep breaths, she turned around to see if the car still followed her. She was so sure the car didn’t follow her anymore. Oh boy, she was so wrong. The moment Jane turned back , she met a pair of eyes staring deep into her eyes.

That’s the last thing she remembered before everything went black. What happened to her?

When Jane woke up, she noticed that she was in a comfy bed. While she was questioning herself about what was going on, the door suddenly creaked open. It was the man. The man that had kidnapped her.

The man came in with food and drink in a tray. He sat down beside her on the bed and ask her to eat the food. Jane was scared and confuse about what was happening. So, Jane asked him what was going on. Why would he kidnap her?

The man introduced himself as Lewis. He told her everything. He saw Jane for the first time in a flower shop near a park and that moment he knew he wouldn’t let any man near Jane ever again as he told her he only want her for himself .

He has stalked her for months. Jane was speechless. She did not know what to do right now. Lewis ask her to eat and so she did. Little did Jane know, her life is going to be a living hell.

Time skipped

Months have gone by after the kidnapping incident. Lewis has been treating Jane with so much love that she has falling in love with him. You must be wondering why the heck Jane isn’t even trying to escape.

Well you see, she can’t. She just can’t.

It is because Jane found out Lewis is one of the most powerful mafias in the world. She knows that if she ever tried to escape, it wouldn’t end well.

But not everything is sunshine and rainbows because Lewis has started abusing Jane for absolutely no reason. Jane couldn’t do anything as she still loves him and would do anything he ask her.

On a peaceful night, there was suddenly an ambush. Lewis's mansion has been ambushed by a mafia enemy. There were bombs, guns, and shouting everywhere. Lewis instructed his man to keep Jane in a bedroom. Basically, locking her. But that didn’t stop the enemy.

While he was fighting, he is losing. Almost all of his men are dead. He never lose a battle before. Lewis just shot an enemy when he suddenly heard a scream.

It was Jane.

Lewis frantically ran upstairs and went straight into the bedroom. There she was, Jane, lying on the ground , lifeless with blood pooling under her.

His eyes widen at the sight. He dropped his gun and went beside Jane’s body. He hold her in his arm and cried. He started murmuring how much he regrets abusing her when she did nothing wrong.

He kept saying sorry to her. Jane's last word would be engraved inside his head forever.

“Even if you abused me, torture me, yelled at me, I’ll always forgive you. I already forgive you. I’ll always love you”, Jane said before going to a very long sleep where she wouldn’t wake up anymore . Lewis screamed Jane’s name so loudly

Time skipped

It’s been months since Jane died. Lewis kept having nightmares on the day Jane died. He was so depressed that he couldn’t take it anymore.

He looks up to the sky while saying “I’m sorry Jane…” before shooting his head with his gun.

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