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"What in the world am I doing here?" Grace mentally slapped as she stood in front of the conference hall.

She was called in to discuss about the clauses and terms regarding the fake girl friend - boy friend contract which she never approved. It doesnt seem like she really have a choice because what Kim wants, Kim gets as if the world runs according to his thoughts. She took a deep breath as usual before entering the hall to meet the most annoying person sitting elegantly like a walking human death trap.

He had changed his hair to blonde, which stood out in his black velvet body fit three piece suit, he was wearing. The soft locks combed back, tucked behind his ears and just a very few strands falling over his eyes from front. He had the sharpest gaze that anyone can pull out, probably enacting the alpha wolf stare that can make anyone pass out. Grace knew that she had to get used to his incredibly chocking beauty and put on a blank face but fuck, he never lets her be calm.

"For once, someone is on time."

"It was unplanned." She groaned before sitting across him, keeping the sling bag on the table.

"I have prepared some rules and clauses. Mr. Jeon will read it out to you."

Jungkook quickly walked through the side door holding a black file in his hands, taking his position next to Taehyung. Grace balled her fist, under the table to not react as she shifted her gaze to Jungkook who had a small smile on his face as always. He opened the file and looked at Grace as if he was waiting for her approval.

"Mr. Jeon, you can start." It was Taehyung who interrupted his secretary.

"Okay, so there are few clauses which Mr.Kim would like you to follow and he also has mentioned your pay scales and other incentives. You will be punished if you break the clauses or stop the agreement in between the given time span. If you are caught spying or lying, you will have to make up to it the way Mr. Kim asks you to. You are not allowed to go against any of his words and should adjust to the slight changes in schedules which he makes when time requires. You are to maintain the personal distance with him when not around public and is never allowed to ask him questions. He might have the permission to make sure that you are loyal to him and is not getting him into trouble in anyway he wants." Jungkook ended the first paragraph with a sigh.

"So....basically, I am screwed?" She asked looking at Jungkook who just nodded.

"Get started with the rules." Taehyung ordered as he leaned back to his chair, legs coming up on the table with one on top of the other.

"Sure... Rule no one, Obey whatever I ask you to. Rule no two, Never cross limits and my personal space. Rule no three, Do not dare to break rule one and two."

"Excuse me? Is this dictatorship or something? Then even I will have rules from my side." Grace slammed her hands on the table, losing her last thread of control.

"I am your boss and you are just working for me. My rules, my conditions and you get paid. As simple as that." He announced making Grace turn red in anger.

"You will be paid fifty dollars per hour when in duty and sixty per hour when the schedules and plans change suddenly. You will get hundred dollars every hour you spend with Mr.Kim's family. If travelling abroad, all your expenses will be taken care of. You are free to shop whatever you want from Kim's luxury showrooms except for apartments and cars as you wouldn't need it!" Jungkook finished it feeling a wave of guilt rushing in him for letting Grace into this mess.

"Well, is that payment worth enough? Its way too low compared to your position, Mr. Kim." Grace scoffed.

"It is based on your position Miss. Grace. I am paying this much because you have to act like my girl friend or else every single dollar on you is a waste." He smirked, asking Jungkook to give the file to her.

"What if I dont agree to this? To file a complaint against you for harrassing me?"

"I will just withdraw my contract with your father and accuse him of the fraudulent charges. He will end up in jail easily if I am ever going in which I wont."

Thinking twice and thrice doesnt make sense as she knows, it is a dead end. So she just signed the white paper in front of her which looked like the devil's deal to her. The world was going to turn upside down for her and there is absolutely nothing that she can do about it. She had to do it for her family and well in a way, she can somehow mess the Kim Taehyung up in the process. Every human should have a weak side and it was her time to explore his.

"Your first day of work starts now!" He declared, receiving the file back.


"Call me Mr. Kim or Sir when in private else it is Taehyung for you. Holding hands while meeting people is allowed but nothing more and while holding hands also, make sure not to interwine your fingers to mine." He said before getting up, fixing his tie.

"Be ready in two hours, I will pick you up from the apartment."

"Great?" She said before leaving the office, not even bothered to comprehend what had happened.

Only if they both know what is awaiting them is not a cake walk as they planned against each other.

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