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Morning came with sunlight peering through the drawn curtains of my rooms windows. My blanket felt cold over my body as I rolled over, blinking at the brightness. The theory of it being a dream was quickly discarded. What I didn't understand was why I felt only semi upset about that truth. I was stuck in this world fighting for my life, yet I felt indifferent?

Yawning, I pushed the blanket off of me and I climbed out of bed. My arms were sore from the game yesterday night, fighting with refuse as I turned on the bathroom light. I winced at the pain and walked up to the mirror, taking my matted brown hair out of its ponytail. It was the least of my concerns, but my roots were in desperate need of a touch up. The thought alone almost made me laugh, feeling silly for worrying about that.

Turning towards the shower, I turned the gauge and was relieved to find it was running. Stripping out of my clothes, I stepped into the hot water and quickly washed away the remnants of the previous day. Washing my hair proved to be a challenge with arms that refused to raise over my head, but eventually I managed it and stepped out of the shower.

As I wrapped a towel around my body, I heard a knock on the bedroom door, then the door open. "Kana?" a females voice called, and I furrowed my brows. "Oh, you're in the bathroom. Sorry! It's Mira." I remembered Kyo mentioning her name before and I realized she was one of Hatter's crew members. "I'm here to give you some swim suits and beach attire!"

Once I made sure my towel was completely secured, I turned the knob and stepped into the room. "Don't you need my sizes?" I asked, looking around till I spotted her by the door. Her long black hair, with the front pieces chopped to be even with her chin, cascaded down over her black crop top. She had a long black skirt paired with it.

Her sweet smile lit up. "Nope! Kuzuryu told me you were a small thing, so I brought smalls and mediums!" she said cheerfully, pointing toward the two clear totes on the bed. I nodded, padding over to them, my feet leaving wet footprints on the carpet. I dug through each of them before pulling out a black two piece and black shorts with a Hawaiian, blue floral top. Fashion was the least of my concerns, but I didn't feel comfortable roaming around half naked all the time.

"Good choices. I'll see you around! Ann will be here later to guide you to the games, she'll be observing you," she whispered giddily before grabbing the totes and leaving. I quickly dried off and threw on the swim suit under the shorts and shirt.

Not know what else to, I exited my room and headed down the hall, going to Kyo's room. A girl a few inches taller than me opened the door, looking down at me with a confused glare. "Huh?" Maybe this was Sakiko or Rin I heard Kyo mention? "Oh, you're Kana." I was about to ask how she knew but she cut me off. "He's right. You are short." I furrowed my brows before she started laughing, stepping aside to let me in. "Kyo, you're buddy is here."

Kyo peered around the corner of the wall and smiled at me. "Kana! Glad to see you stayed." The girl behind me shut the door and I walked further into the room. "That's Sakiko," he said, motioning towards the girl. I gave her a small smile, taking in her lanky presence. She wore a red swim top with black and white bottoms, a white, sheer cardigan over top. "Rin's by the pool. We're about to head down there if you want to join?"

I shrugged. "I have nothing better to do." Sakiko snorted a laugh before turning back toward the door, opening it and stepping into the hallway. I followed behind, holding the door open for Kyo. I hadn't had friends like this since Niragi — Haruka wouldn't be included in my list of friends in this reality — so it felt nice having people to be close with.

I trailed behind the two of them, looking at other people as we went. It remained odd how calm they seemed, laughing amongst each other about ordinary topics.

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