t h r e e

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A pair of hands latched around my ankles, and I felt my exposed back drag me across the carpet. "God, Kana," Sakiko grunted out, giving me another rough pull. "A little help would be nice."

I groaned, tossing my head back against the carpet. "I'm never drinking again," I coughed out, my eyes squinting open. Sakiko was dragging me to my bathroom, looking as normal as ever. She laughed at me as she let go of ankle, my foot hitting the floor, to turn the light on. I cursed at the sudden collision of my foot on the tile and the brightness of the light, causing her to laugh again before grabbing my ankle again. "How are you fine?"

"I drink a lot more than you. Well, aside from last night," she giggled again, pulling the shower curtain back after setting my feet down before. "I've never seen someone do so many shots. It was impressive, really." I groaned again. I barely remembered the shots; they came after a countless amount of fruity drinks that tasted nothing like alcohol.

"I don't know how you carried me up here by yourself."

She looked down at me, shaking her head. "Oh, no. That was all Niragi."


She hummed, nodding her head as she turned the water on. "I was nearly too plastered to carry myself, there was no way I couldn't brought you here. Niragi came down go the club with a few of the militants for, like, an hour. Girl, he was hardcore staring. Then someone started hitting on you and you pushed them away, but they were being persistent. Niragi put it end to it real quick — God, it was so hot. He's got it bad for you. I don't remember what happened to the guy exactly, I just know I haven't seen him today," she giggled again. "After that, he helped carry you back to your room." She reached down and started helping me unbutton my shirt.

Why would he bother being nice to me after our conversation last night? After he made it clear we weren't allowed to be friends here? I didn't see a point in him being nice to me after that. "This is so embarrassing."

Sakiko busted out laughing again. "No, no. It gets better. I managed to follow you guys up here — I barely remember it though — but you kept going on and on about this guy, and how he's a piece of shit, that he's here at The Beach, and how bad he is in bed." My face burned fiercely and Sakiko was laughing even harder. "I pissed myself right outside of Kyo's door laughing. He had to help me take a bath." She kept giggling under her breath as she set my shirt on the counter, then helped me out of my shorts.

"I hate my fucking life."

"No," she reprimanded. "No. You have Niragi wrapped around your finger. If I had him around mine, I'd love every second of every day." She had a misty, daydreamy look in her eyes as she looked at me. My head fell back against the tile. Oh, I was so fucking stupid. "Okay," she said after setting my shorts on top of my shirt. She helped me stand and sit on the edge of the tub. "I'm not going to remove any more for the sake of our friendship. I'm going to get breakfast with Kyo and Rin and then go to the pool. We'll be in the same spot as usual if you'd like to join."

She walked out of the bathroom and, a few seconds later, I heard the bedroom door open, then shut. The water behind me was splashing on my back and I shut my eyes, grabbing the edge of the tub by my legs and sliding backward until I sat in the line of water. I was too hungover and frustrated to remove my swimsuit.

The warm water hit my stomach and I let my head thump back against the shower wall. I wanted nothing more than to sit under the water and drown.

How could I be so stupid? I should've known he'd show up. I shouldn't of drank so much, either. But I was so set on forgetting him that I forgot I couldn't. Every every drink, every shot, it was his face behind my eyes. It was his name on my mind all night until I physically couldn't think anything. It was his attention I was craving all night, not Sakiko's, not any guy at the bar, him.

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