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"Chishiya won't stop asking me to play cards," Niragi complained in a low tone as he grabbed a cracker out of the package. We had raided the vending machine an hour before, returning to his room with nearly ten packs of miscellaneous snacks. On the television, a cheesy romance movie that we were barely paying any attention to. "I don't understand why he won't take no for an answer. Can't he find anyone else to play, anyway?" I exhaled a laugh, unwrapping a small chocolate cookie.

"I told him I would a few nights ago, he just hasn't asked me since. Maybe we should next time he asks," I suggested before taking a bite. Niragi gave me a side eye, clearly disliking my idea. "Think about it," I swallowed the rest of the food, "if we play one game, he'll probably be satisfied. Then, he'll leave us alone until either he or we are discharged."

Niragi stared at me, eyes squinted in thought. It wasn't until I finished the cookie completely before he spoke: "I hate when you're right, you know? It's really fucking annoying." I smiled at him cheekily as he rolled his eyes, the corner of his lip upturned. The smile fell off when his gaze moved toward the door. "Speak of the devil. Chishiya." I turned my gaze toward the blonde as he halted his steps, looking over at the two of us. "Cards?"

The sly expression in Chishiya's face turned to one of satisfaction. "It's about time you two came to your senses." He pulled his hands from his pockets, the same deck of cards on hand, and he stepped toward the bed. "I say... Go Fish?" I shrugged, looking at Niragi for his answer. He only gave an uninterested sigh before nodding. "Go Fish it is."

He sat at the end of the bed across from us, quickly shuffling the cards. Niragi, finally, seemed interested in the movie in front of him. I nudged him, flashing him a glare as Chishiya dealt out the cards. One game, that's it, and he wanted to mope. He glared back before grabbing his stack.

Drama Queen.

I grabbed my own six cards and looked down at them. Queen of Spades, Ten of Spades, Six of Clubs, Seven of Diamonds, Three of Spades, and Three of Hearts. "May I start?" Chishiya asked, setting the remainder of the cards in the center of the bed. After we both nodded, he said, "Kana, you have any fours?"

I shook my head. "Go fish," i said, my tone mimicking Chishiya's amused one. The corner of his lip tugged upward and he drew a card from the center pile, stashing it in the back of his deck. "Niragi," I leaned closer to him and he leaned away, hiding his cards. "You have any threes over there?"

He frowned. "Cheater." He handed me his Three of Diamonds and I snatched it, smiling. Two more and I'd have the Three's completed. "Let's see... do you have any nines?"

Chishiya looked through his seven cards. "Go fish."

The game was fun, admittedly. If I simply ignored Niragi's distaste for it, I enjoyed myself. After a few cycles, I was able to complete my threes and even the sevens. Chishiya, though, was winning, with four stacks and two cards in hand. Niragi only had one, and I think the bitter loss was making him even more frustrated. "Queens?" Chishiya asked me, his tone slightly bothered. His amusement subtly subsided, annoyance replacing, despite beating me and Niragi; I assumed he didn't enjoy how the game was almost over.

"Lame," I mumbled, handing him my Queen of Spades. "Twos?" Niragi shook his head, barely looking down at his cards. The movie finished and now another movie played, one that Niragi busied his focus on.

He only looked down at his cards to ask, "Uh, tens?" Chishiya's bothered expression quickly changed; like a light in his eyes clicked on, he handed Niragi two cards with anticipation. My brows furrowed and I looked away from the blonde to Niragi, watching as he glanced at the cards and winced. "Mmm, fuck," he breathed out, bringing his hand up to rub his temple.

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