Episode 47: The in-laws

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I'm sorry guys, I'm having boydrama so it has taken a while to write.

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to comment

Louis doesn't understand why some people around him start screaming, but when he turns around he notices a bunch op people entering the villa. It takes him a few seconds to realise who they are, but when he notices his heart skips a beat.

"Mom, Lottie!" Louis lets go of Harry's hand and runs over to his mom and oldest sister. When he looks behind him he sees Harry doing the exact same thing. He can't help but check out the people who are hugging Harry. He assumes it's his mother and Gemma, his older sister. They look both lovely.

"Oh, boo! I have missed you." Jay pulls her son into her arms and hugs him closely. When she lets go of him he looks at his sister and then back to his mother.

"From all the choices you had, you picked this one to join you?"

"Oh piss off you fucker! Give me a hug." Lottie slaps Louis softly and then hugs her oldest brother.

"I have missed you." Louis says to her. "How are you doing?"

Before Lottie can answer, Kendall yells to get everyone's attention.

"I got a text!"

Dear Islanders

Time to meet your in-laws!

Enjoy your lunch with them on the beach.

Don't forget that this isn't their first impression. They have seen you already on their tv.

Good luck!

"Oh my god." Louis' hands start shaking and Lottie pets his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Lou. Anne and Gemma are cool. Mom and I were sitting with them on the airplane."

"They are going to hate me. Harry and I have fought a lot and-"


Louis turns around to see Harry and immediately he calms down a little bit. Oh what his smile does to him.

"My mom and Gemma are over there." Harry says. "I can see you stressing, there is no need okay?" Harry moves closer to Louis and kisses his cheek, not wanting to be too intimidate with his boyfriend in front of his family. "It's going to be alright, I love you."

"I love you." Louis' voice is soft and he plays with his fingernails. "I'll see you later."

Louis walks up to the beach where Gemma and Anne are already waiting. There is a chair in front of them and Louis feels like they are two cops that going to interrogate him. When he gets at the table, he stretches his hand, ready to shake theirs but Anne stands up and pulls Louis in a hug.

"No need to be formal, love. My name is Anne." The woman smiles. "That's my daughter Gemma."

"If my brother has already impressed you, you're going to absolutely adore me. I'm the better Styles."

Louis can't help but laugh and then takes place on the chair.

"I'm Louis, but I assume you guys already know that?"

"Oh, very clear." Gemma says. "Been rooting for the two of you for a while now. Jesus, I knew my brother could be stubborn but you're not much better, are you?"

Louis blushes and looks down at his hands that are resting on the table.

"Gemma, don't do this to him." Anne shakes her head and then looks at Louis. "We're very glad that Harry has found you. My son loves you and we can see that you really love him too. What the two of you have is beautiful and special. What Gemma tries to say is that it has taken quite some time to figure it all out."

"It has." Louis agrees. "But doesn't that make it all even more special? Harry's worth the wait. I'd wait forever for him."

"You have." Gemma says. "I was so fucking pissed when my brother came back from Casa Amor with that stupid Joe."

"His name was Josh, honey." Anne says.

"Whatever, he wasn't even relevant."

Louis can't stop the cackling noise coming out of his mouth. He likes Gemma, she's funny.

"You're definitely the better Styles after saying that." Louis jokes, hoping it gets appreciated and they don't see it as Harry slander.

"You've got taste." Gemma nods. "So, I have seen a lot of you on tv. From what I can tell you are a good guy. You are clearly head over heels over my brother, you're a tiny tad dramatic like the running away in the rain thing but that makes everything more interesting, doesn't it? The only thing I'm worried about is the pace your relationship is going."

"And I have to agree with Gemma here." Anne says. "You're a lovely guy, Louis. We think that you are the perfect match for our Harry, we're just a bit scared that things are going a bit too fast between the two of you. There was never really the in-between stage. There was this weird friends with benefits thing that was by the way so unlike Harry to suggest that, and then the two of you fought all the time and now you're planning to move to Paris with him. Don't get me wrong, Louis. I just think that maybe slowing things down wouldn't be a bad thing for the two of you. Don't forget that you're spending time together in this paradise setting without any responsibilities that life throws at you."

"I understand." Louis says "And I know it must seem like we're going very quickly now but time in here is so much more worth than time on the outside. We're spending every single minute together. I don't have to find out his weird quirks anymore, I know his annoying habits and I got to know the real Harry. I know this is not the real life situation that we're in, but I do believe that we're going to make it. We have both seen sides of each other that most couples only have seen after a long while into their relationship. We have conquered obstacles and still we both love each other very much. Going to Paris with Harry might sound like things are going way too fast between us, but we have spend more than a month now together, 24/7. He has seen my worst side, I have seen his and we have still chosen each other. I have nothing that keeps me in England for a semester and if supporting Harry by joining him to move to the city of love makes him happy and is better for our relationship, that's what I'll do. He means everything to me and I trust him enough that I'm willing to join him on this adventure. "

"He's a keeper." Gemma says. "I like him."

Anne looks Louis up and down and then gives him a soft smile.

"Harry's in your hands now, Louis. We trust you to take care of him and to love him."

"I love him." Louis says. "I'll always take care of him."

"Good, then Gemma and I would like to give you our blessing for your relationship."

Gemma takes the bottle of champagne and fills the three glasses on the table.

"To Harry and Louis!"

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