C H A P T E R - 20

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Wow, this story is finally ending. I remember when I wanted to give up and delete this story, but my friends naya and vic gave me the motivation to keep going and I thank them for that. I hope y'all all enjoyed the roller coaster ride of this story. I'ma miss these characters. Anyway, for the last and finally time vote and comment. *does the ugly trey songz cry face*

Chapter 20

Gold couldn't believe how fast her senior year in high school went, today was her graduation day and she couldn't be anymore happier.

"Girl, is my hair okay?" Bambi asked, patting her hair down

"Yeah, you look great." Gold complimented, as she grabbed her cap placing it on top of her new twenty-six inch Indian Virgin hair.

It took some time but, Bambi finally came around and forgave Gold, but Gold knew deep down inside their friendship wasn't like how it use to be.

Gold also felt bad for messing things up with her and De'Quan. Bambi never gave into De'Quan not matter how much he kept telling her he was sorry, in her mind they were over.

Gold honestly didn't feel the same, she felt like their story wasn't over just yet.

"I'm going to miss you." Gold said, sadly as she looked over at Bambi.

Bambi decided she didn't want to stay in Detroit and accepted a full ride to NYU in New York City, and Gold decided to stay home and go to Cosmetology school.

"Awe, I'ma miss you too." Bambi replied, pouting.

"It's gonna be so weird without you here." Gold said as she moved her tassel to the right.

Bambi nodded. "I promise to call and Skype ya ass whenever I can."

"Y'all girls ready?" Silver asked, smiling interrupting their moment.

"Yes," Gold replied, answering for both of them. Gold and Silver still wasn't close, but was slowly working on their relationship.

They all hopped into a taxi and made their way towards the school. Gold and Bambi hurried and sat with their class once they got there.

They sat throughout the principal speech, those special guest speech, valedictorian speech, and got up to accept their diploma. Once everyone was seated once again the principal got back up again and spoke and telling everyone to move their tassels to the left side of their cap.

"Congratulations to the class of 2015" The principal shouted into the microphone.

Gold and Bambi threw their hats in the air like the rest of of the graduating class and hugged each other.

"You guys did it!" Silver squealed as she rushed towards them with Zane and De'Quan right behind her.

"Congrats, baby." Zane said as he bend down and kissed her.

"Thanks." She replied, grinning.

"Congrats, baby girl." De'Quan said, smiling as he handed her flowers.

Bambi frowned at him using that nickname and accepted the flowers. "Thanks, De'Quan."

"Where are we going to eat?" Gold asked as they all walked towards the car.

"Where ever y'all wanna go, it's y'all day." Zane told her as he threw his arm around her shoulder.

Gold grinned up at him, happy that he decided to forgive her and give her another chance. Everything was looking up for her and she couldn't wait to see what the future holds.

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