C H A P T E R - 6

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Sorry for the long wait but I've been kinda busy and had writer's block. Excuse the mistakes. Thanks to @iAmVictoriious_ for the brand new cover! Y'all want a faster update? Ima need y'all to vote. Click the star button on the right hand side! Before you read. VOTE VOTE VOTE! >.<

C H A P T E R - 6

It's really rare to have the whole hood all on the same page, but it always seems to happens when it's the annual block party of the summer.

It was starting to get dark, the air was filled with laughter, smoke from the charcoal they were using to barbeque the food filled the air, and everyone made sure they came looking fresh.

It was like a hood fashion show and Gold and Bambi made sure they came correct.

Gold was rockin' a crop top with the word "Dope" written across it in gold, with a gold leather skirt that sat in the middle section of her stomach, gold knee high gladiator sandals, had her new freshly put it jet black twenty-inch weave in curls, and two small diamond studs kissed both of her ears.

Bambi decide to go in a different direction and wear a white body hugging dress, a cropped black leather jacket with studs on the shoulders with a pair of Christian Louboutin Pik Pik Flat Sneakers, and put her freshly braided median size box braids in a bun sitting on the middle of her head.

"Everyone and their damn mama is out tonight." Bambi said as she looked at two shirtless guys bypassing them.

Gold nodded her head in agreement as her eyes started searching the huge crowd of people.

Bambi looked over and saw what she was doing, smirking as she said. "Looking for your man?"

Gold snapped her head towards Bambi and waved her hand, dismissing Bambi's question.

"Girl, please. I'm just looking if my mama is out here." she lied through her teeth, she didn't wanna come off like she was checking for Zane too hard.

"Mmhmm" Bambi said, pursing her lips not believing her for a second but decide to play along. "Probably or somewhere spending that money she magically came into."

"Right." Gold mumbled as they stopped a few feet away in front of the large black stage that at the moment had a band on it.

They tried to enjoy the music but the two girls next to them wasn't going to let that happen with their loud ass talking about shit that other people didn't want to hear.

Gold slowly turned her head and gave them the side eye hoping the bitches would shut up. They looked like thing one and two from The Cat In The Hat with their blue hair.

"Yes, girl. I told that nigga he either gonna pay me more child support or he finna go back to jail, I ain't playing." The girl exclaimed.

Her friend started chuckling like a hyena. "I know that's right, Naya. Get that money bitch!"

Naya smirked and flip her hair over her shoulder. "So, what's up wit you and your baby daddy, Vicky?"

Vicky smacked her lips before she twisted them to the side. "Fuck that, nigga! I got another nigga in mind that's about to become baby daddy number two."


"That nigga, Zane." Vicky answered. "If I have his baby a bitch will be set for life."

Gold was getting more annoyed and was about to say something but the next thing that came out the Naya chick mouth caught her attention.

"Speaking of that nigga. Did you know that someone in his circle got robbed."

"You lyin'" Vicky said, dragging out the two words.

"Humph. I ain't lying, hoe." Naya stops talking and starts looking around. "And where the hell is Ebony ass at?"

Gold tuned out their conversation and took in the information she just heard. She started thinking about how mom was spending money like crazy without a care in the world and how she hasn't really left the house recently.

Did my mom? Naw, she wouldn't be that stupid and the thought of her mom robbing someone left her head as soon as it came.

"Bambi, Ima about to go to the Buffet table" Gold said as she turned her body slightly in the direction where the food was.

"A'ight, girl. I'll come wit your hungry ass." Bambi said, smiling.

"Whatever," Gold said back, smiling as they started walking over to the food.

"Damn look at that line." Bambi said shaking her head.

The line looked like it was down the block and around the corner only because all the food was free but if you had to pay there's most defiantly wouldn't be these many people on line at this moment.

Gold turned her head to Bambi before she grabbed her wrist pulling her faster to the line and said. "Heffa, just hurry up so we won't be on this line all day."

Gold quickly picked up her pace and turned her head back forward but running into a hard chest stopped her completely.

"Shit." The deep voiced cursed.

Gold let go of Bambi's wrist and slowly backed up, embarrassed. She looked up at a semi pissed looking Zane.

She saw that he had a big wet spot on his shirt from whatever was in his red plastic cup that was now laying on the floor because of her.

"I am so sorry." She rushed out the sentence so fast that they couldn't make out what she just said.

Bambi was trying not to laugh at her friend by biting down on her bottom lip, she looked up to see De'Quan smiling at her.

Bambi quickly looked down at the ground hating that she was too shy to keep eye contact with him, De'Quan smile fall a little wondering why she dropped her gaze to the floor.

"You good, ma." Zane said through gritted teeth, as he shook his head and looked up in her eyes. "Good thing it was only water in the cup."

Gold nodded and was about to say something but someone screams stopped her and the sounds of guns going off.

"Fuck, get down." Zane said as jumped on Gold making them fall to the floor as he had covered her body with his.

De'Quan did the same thing with Bambi and drew his gun out trying to find out who the hell was shooting.

Everyone was running around and screaming, shit was being knocked over and someone stepped on Zane.

After a minute of not hearing anymore guns go off Zane sat up and saw that block was nearly empty except five bodies that was now laying on the cold concrete.

Zane looked over at De'Quan and gave him a head nod signaling him that it was time for them to get the fuck out of there.

Zane lifted his body of Gold and De'Quan followed doing the same to Bambi.

They both help the girls up on their feets.

"Y'all good?" Zane asked looking them over.

"Yeah." Gold said nodding not believing that she could've just died if it wasn't for Zane.

Bambi looked over at Gold and started screaming. "Gold, your bleeding!"

There was big blood spot forming at the back of her right shoulder. After Bambi said that Gold did start feeling pain and a burning sensation all over her body.

Gold felt her heart start to race faster and she was starting to feel light headed.

"Shit! De'Quan we gotta take her to the hospital." Zane said as he walked over to her and carefully picked her up in his arms.

They all followed Zane to his car and got in. De'Quan sat in the front with Zane and Bambi was in the back with Gold making sure she stayed awake.

"Bitch, don't die on me now." Bambi exclaimed scared.

"Heffa, I ain't gonna die, I'm too beautiful to die right now." Gold said, chucking softly.

"Just stay awake, ma. We almost there." Zane ordered as he started driving faster hoping there wasn't no cops around.

With Zane driving so fast they made it to the hospital in ten minutes. He hurried and parked the car before everyone got out.

He helped Gold out and lifted her once again in his arms and speeded up the hospital stairs and into the building.

"We need a doctor." Zane yelled out as he entered the building. He looked down at Gold face to see she was going in and out of consciousness. "Someone help us."

A heavy set dark skinned nurse with a small afro rushed over to them and saw a weak looking Gold. "What happened?"

"She's been shot." Zane answered as he watched her check Gold's heart. Bambi and De'Quan was right behind him.

"Lay her over here" The nurse order and he followed right behind her laying a now sleeping Gold on the white bed.

The nurse hurried and paged a doctor and told two males nurses to take Gold to the emergency room.

Zane watched as they pushed her down the long hallway and lost sight of her when they turned the corner.

"Don't worry after they check her out and make sure everything's okay I'll come get you to see her." The nurse said before she started walking away to help a married couple who's wife looks like she was about to give birth.

Zane walked back over to Bambi and De'Quan who was standing at the desk.

"Where did they take her?" Bambi asked, scared.

"To the emergency room, she said she'll tell us when we could see her." Zane answered and then started to feel closed in, he never liked hospitals. "I need to make a call real quick."

Bambi nodded and decide to go take a seat in the waiting area, De'Quan knew Zane needed a minute to himself so he decide to keep the girl company.

Bambi took a seat in the corner and De'Quan took the empty seat next to her.

"What's your name?" he asked, looking at her.

"Huh?" Bambi said in a daze.

"Well, somehow you know my name, but I don't know yours." De'Quan said his grey eyes staring straight into her light brown ones.

Bambi was glad she wasn't light skin because than he would've saw her blush. "Bambi, and yes that's my real name."

De'Quan laughed lightly and licked his lips before he replied. "It's cute, I think it fits you."

"Oh, yeah?" Bambi said as she moved her gaze to the floor no longer able to keep eye contact with him.

"Hey," De'Quan said, softly as he reached out one of his hands using his thumb and index finger lifting and turning her head in his direction making her look up at him. "You ain't never gotta be shy around me, baby girl."

Bambi was taken by surprise, but simply nodded her head and uttered. "Okay."

"Good," De'Quan took his hand from under her chin.

They sat in the waiting hour and talked for a whole hour about nothing until they saw Zane walking back their way.

He stopped in front of them and Bambi could slightly smell the weed coming off his body.

"Anyone said anything?" he asked, but looking at De'Quan

De'Quan shook his head side to side before he answered, "Naw, man. Ain't nobody said shit to us yet."

After he said that the same nurse that helped him walked over to all of them. "Y'all came with Ms.Monroe, correct?"

"Yes," Bambi answered.

"Y'all can go see her now. She's in room 512." she told them.

"Is she okay?" Bambi asked but it was too late because the nurse hurried off and walked into a different direction.

"C'mon." De'Quan said as he stood up and held his hand out for Bambi.

Bambi took a hold of his hand and stood up also. Instead of letting go of her hand like she thought he was going to do, but instead he laced their fingers together.

Bambi looked up at him surprised and De'Quan just smiled back down at her.

Zane shook his and started making his way towards the steel elevators.

They all got on the elevator and walked towards Gold's hospital room.

Zane grabbed the door knob and slowly turned it as he pushed the plain white door open.

They all walked in to see a wide awake Gold sitting straight up in bed in a blue hospital grown.

Bambi let go of De'Quan's hand and flew to the side of Gold's hospital bed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, girl." Gold answered her and watched Bambi sigh in relief. "They said it was just a flesh wound."

"M'kay, that's good 'cause your ass still need to pay me back that ten dollars you borrowed." Bambi joked trying to make the energy less serious in the room.

Everyone in the room laughed and became more relaxed.

"Did you call my mom?" Gold asked her.

"No, you'll think she'll answer?" Bambi asked.

"Hopefully." she replied.

"C'mon you can use my phone, baby girl." De'Quan said as he lead Bambi out the room but not before taking a glance at her ass.

Gold lifted her eyebrow noticing De'Quan looking at her friend ass and his new pet name for her.

I can't wait to tell Bambi what I saw when they leave, Gold thought to herself.

Zane was leaving against the wall staring at her. "You sure you cool?"

Gold nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm a'ight. I just got a few stitches."

The room was quiet and they just stared at each other. Gold was the one who finally broke the stare contest and moved her gaze to her intertwined fingers.

Bambi came back into the room with De'Quan right behind her and notice how quite it was.

She looked at Zane than back to her friend. "Your mom said she's already on her way now, she was told by someone what happened tonight."

Gold looked up at her friend nodded her head thanking her and hoping her mother didn't have her hoe clothes on tonight.

"I guess that's our que to leave." Zane said as he pulled his body off the dingy white walls.

Zane looked at De' Quan and nodded his head, De'Quan didn't leave the room before he winked at Bambi and laughed when she blushed and drop her gaze to the floor.

"Thank you for saving my life." Gold called out at Zane's back.

Zane stopped and looked over his shoulder as he gave Gold a small smile. "It ain't no problem, ma. Let's just say I'm returning the favor."

Both Gold's and Bambi's mouths dropped to the floor and wondered how he knew it was Gold. What they didn't know was Zane kept his ears to the streets trying to find and thank the girl that saved him.

He laughed to himself as he walked down the hallways towards the exit and couldn't believe he saved the same girl that saved his life.

He looked down when he felt a head collided into his chest and looked down to see it was a female.

Damn, I ain't no small ass nigga. How the hell all these females bumping into me. he thought.

"My bad, ma." he said looking down at her.

Silver smacked her lips before she spat. "Yeah, your bad, nigga. Next time watch where the fuck you going."

Zane shook his head as he watched the female walk away, De'Quan and Zane hurried to the car and pulled off.

Meanwhile, Silver couldn't believe her daughter got her dumb ass shot, she told her penalty of times to stay her fast ass in the house.

The elevator finally arrived and Silver steps on to the empty elevator and pushed the fifth floor.

"Yo, hold it!" A man voice yelled.

Silver hurried and pushed the button to hold the elevator doors open.

"Thanks, m-" Ro said then stopped himself at he looked into the shocked face of Silver.

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