C H A P T E R - 19

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didn't think this chapter would be so short, but yeah. the last chapter will be post tomorrow

Chapter 19

Gold didn't know how she was getting up and going to school, it felt the days were blurring together, she didn't know if she was coming or going.

Gold was in her last class of the day, the same class Bambi had with her, Bambi had made good on her promise of not wanting nothing to do with Gold.

Every time Gold tried to talk to her, she would walk away. Gold knew she couldn't be mad at nobody but herself, but it still hurt.

The bell ringed snapping Gold out her thoughts, she quickly grabbed her book bag and left, she just wanted to get home and sleep.

"Gold!" Gold snapped her head in the direction her name was being called and she swore her heart stopped working for a minute.

Standing against a cherry red, Benz was Zane giving her a slight smile.

Gold prayed to God that she wasn't dreaming at the moment, she quickly walked towards him and jumped in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Gold said, as she squeezed him never wanting to let go.

"I know, I unstander now why you did it." Zane replied as he rubbed her back to calm her down.

Gold leaned back to look into his face, surprised. "You do."

"Yeah, ya mother told me everything." Zane answered.

"She did." Gold said, surprised again.


Gold couldn't believe her mother did that but was thankful she did.

"You wanna go get something to eat?" Zane suggested.

"Yeah, sure." Gold agreed, smiling.

"Bambi!" Gold heard someone call out, she looked over and saw De'Quan at the other end, but unlike Gold Bambi kept it moving.

"Let's go."

Gold nodded her head and got in the car, she took one more glance at De'Quan and Bambi before Zane took off.

The drive was silence, Gold didn't know what to say.Zane pulled up into Applebee's parking lot, they hopped out and made their way inside.

"Table for two?" The hostess asked as she grabbed two menus.

"Yes," Zane replied as they followed her to their table.

"Your waitress will be with you soon." she told them before she walked away.

"So, my mother told you.." Gold started off.

"Yeah, she came up to De'Quan and I and told us everything. The surprising part was the nigga she robbed was my godfather." Zane confessed

"I swear I didn't know that, Zane." Gold said, trying to assure him.

Zane nodded his head. "I know."

Gold looked down at the table before looking up at him again. "So, where does that leave us?"

Zane cleared his throat before he spoke. "I ain't gotta lie, I did miss your ass and I'm willing to give us another try."

Gold grinned. "I love you, Zane."

Zane smiled as he leaned over and gave her a kiss, "I love you too, Gold."

Meanwhile, De'Quan had to run after Bambi after he called her name.

"I know you heard me calling you." De'Quan said, annoyed as he lightly grabbed her elbow stopping her from walking.

Bambi stayed quiet for a few seconds before she said. "Let me go."

"We need to talk." De'Quan insisted

"I don't wanna talk to you." Bambi replied.

"I'm sorry." De'Quan blurted out.

Bambi finally turned around, her face twisted up in anger. "Keep your half ass apology, De'Quan. I don't need it."

"Look, I now know why Gold robbed Zane and I know what I did was fucked up but think about if you was in my shoes. Would you trust you?" De'Quan said, trying to reason with her.

"Yes, because I gave you no doubt for you not to trust me. You should've believed me when I told you I would never rob you." Bambi restored.

"I know that now." De'Quan replied.

"You should've known that then too, De'Quan." Bambi said, sadly shaking her head.

De'Quan sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "So, you ain't trying to give a nigga another chance?"

"I don't trust you." Bambi replied, bluntly. "I don't trust you not to put me out again. What if we get in an argument and you tell me to get the get out again"

"I wouldn't." De'Quan tried to assure her.

"You say that now." Bambi said, not believing him.

"So what. That's it?" De'Quan spat, his lips curled up.

Bambi lips trembled as her eyes watered, but she wasn't going to let De'Quan be the reason for anymore of her tears. "Yeah, De'Quan. That's it."

De'Quan watched as Bambi turned around and started walking home, he knew she said it was over between them, but he didn't feel the same. He was going to get his Bambi back.

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