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just a disclaimer, the boys are all slightly aged up in this. that is not for any weird reasons, only because i want them to be at an age where i can write them as more mature. their ages aren't really important in this story but they are about 16-17 in this.

another thing to keep note of, you may notice that pieces of dialogue are different fonts. i have done this to prevent any confusion about who is talking during conversation.

bruce: normal

vance: italic

everyone else: bold


lower case intended

bruce's pov:



great. first day in my new school and i already don't want to go. last night i was debating running away with a new name and starting fresh. education is obviously important but i don't see why i have to go. could the school board not just completely obstruct teaching or schools altogether???

i sit up with a sigh and drop my feet over the side of my bed, the cold autumn air nipping at my legs. of course, i left my window wide open. my mom always told me to shut my window and curtains incase anyone tries to get in but i did neither of those things before i fell asleep last night. maybe this could be my way of rebelling. ha. not really my thing.

in my old school i was known as "the golden boy" which i didn't quite mind much. i had friends, lots of girls and an amazing baseball team. before my father got a job opportunity two states away. of course my mom was delighted at the thought and immediately started packing our things. i didn't even get to say goodbye to my friends or the girls or my team. my parents were blessed being born with a gold spoon right in their mouths. not a silver spoon, a gold spoon. this made it incredibly easy to move house on such short notice which was a complete disadvantage in my eyes. probably lowered their credit score as well.

with another sigh i stand up and make my way to the bathroom just next door to my room for a shower. things hadn't been completely unpacked but there were still some towels to dry myself and i had my own stuff to wash anyway.

a quick shower is all i need. yep.

i couldn't get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of butterflies in my stomach as i hummed while washing my hair. the shower went by quicker than expected as i stepped out and quickly got dressed. baggy jeans, t-shirt, jacket, socks, converse and my ring. after shamelessly checking myself out in the mirror i headed downstairs where my mom and dad were mindlessly chatting about how excited they are to be in a new neighbourhood. my sister came running down the stairs after me, her hair a mess. she stood, still in her pjs looking confused as to how i was already to go out the door.

before i knew it, i was sat down at the dining table opposite my dad, munching on some toast as my mom ushered me to hurry up. her flailing hands made me chow down the last few bites and i quickly flung my bag over my shoulder. as i step out the house i hear her saying some nonsense about how i'm going to have a good day and how i need to catch the bus. shit. yellow flashes in my peripheral and i run out the house, slamming the door shut and running down the drive.

the bus awkwardly made a slow stop just in front of my next door neighbours house as i made the walk of shame to the glass doors. with a creak, they fling open and i wince at the sound. the bus driver, a woman with greying hair and glasses hanging off her nose, glared at me as i made my way up the steps. i was sure to give the lady a smile as i walked past. got to get that good first impression, even though i wasn't sure the lady had even comprehended me getting onto the bus in the first place. maybe i should just ride my bike tomorrow...

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