¤ Chapter 8

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What are you up to? I'm watching the footy match on telly.

As Nate struggled to stifle a sly grin, her gaze drifted towards Julian, who was oblivious to his surroundings, his eyes fixed intently on his phone. The question lingering in her mind was what response she should give Keith. If she were to reveal that she was, in fact, relaxing in a quaint café, savouring a warm cup of coffee in the company of her husband, it would undoubtedly leave Keith taken aback.

Just chillin' with a cuppa coffee.

Nate set her phone down on the table, a habitual gesture that had become increasingly familiar as her messaging exchanges with Keith grew more frequent. It had all started when the office internet connection went down, prompting her to reach out to Keith. Yet, even after the connection was restored, their messaging conversations persisted, meandering into discussions about their daily routines and post-work pursuits.

"Ah, my phone's dead. Can I borrow yours? I need to send an email," Julian asked.

As Julian reached for her phone on the table, Nate's eyes narrowed with concern. The thought of Keith responding to her message while Julian had possession of her phone made her increasingly uneasy. She kept a watchful eye on Julian, her anxiety dissipating only when he handed her phone back without incident. The silence from Keith persisted even as they packed up to leave for home.

Nate rested in bed, her phone discreetly stashed behind the pillow. Julian's gentle snores filled the room, a stark contrast to Nate's restless state as she obsessively checked her phone, her anxiety simmering just below the surface.

Nate's mind was racing with questions as she waited for Keith's response. Was her message too mundane to deserve a reply? Or had Keith simply lost interest in their conversation? Her experiences with Julian, who often ignored her messages, had left her with a lingering sense of insecurity. Whenever someone failed to respond, Nate couldn't help but feel a pang of self-doubt, wondering if there was something fundamentally wrong with her.

A worried crease formed on Nate's forehead. Could it be that Keith had indeed responded, only for Julian to discreetly erase the message? She quickly dismissed the thought, knowing Julian's respectful nature. He would never dream of snooping through her messages or answering her phone without her explicit consent, even if her phone was casually lying within his reach.

Just as Nate was about to succumb to slumber, her phone buzzed softly, shattering the silence. With lightning speed, she extracted it from its hiding spot behind the pillow, taking care not to rouse Julian. As she gazed at the screen, a warm smile blossomed on her lips, illuminated by the soft glow of the phone—the message was from Keith.

Sorry for the delayed response! Got sucked into the footy match, then headed out with some friends. Didn't wanna interrupt your evening with your other half. You asleep yet?

Nate's eyebrow arched slightly, her mind whirling with the implication. Was Keith attempting to subtly extract information about her relationship? She chose to tactfully ignore the remark, opting instead to steer the conversation in a different direction.

I'm still up. Thought you'd be tired of talking to me by now!

Nate clasped her phone firmly, muffling its gentle hum to prevent the vibrations from penetrating the silence and waking Julian. Her vigilance was rewarded when Keith's response arrived mere moments later.

Not at all! I'd much rather catch up with you face-to-face, actually.

Nate's heart skipped a beat as she read Keith's words. She knew she had to keep their conversation a secret, hidden from Julian's prying eyes. So, she concocted an alibi, telling Julian she needed to run some errands at the supermarket the following day. In truth, Nate sneaked away to the electronics store, where she purchased a prepaid SIM card. The anonymity it provided was a deliberate choice, allowing her to sever ties whenever she pleased, leaving no digital trail behind.

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