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Three figures were walking down a hilly sidewalk. A girl fell behind to play music from her phone. She blasted their pre clubbing music, or at least hers, the soundtrack from Rio. She fell into step besides Lewis and Mick. They fell silent as she walked between them.

"I promise guys, I can handle myself."

She batted her eyelashes at Lewis as Mick shook his head softly.

"Plus its masquerade themed. No one is gonna know its me."

Her pitch turned upwards as the e spilled over her lips. She raised the mask in her left hand.

"I dont think Lew and I are worried about handling yourself-"

Mick took a moment and rubbed the back of his neck. Lewis jumped in to finish his sentence.

"More about other people handling you."

She just laughed, her blonde waves rolled off her back. Lewis gestured down to her dress as they neared the corner.

"Could you have worn a short dress either? For christ sakes, V! Niki is turning over in his grave."

She stuck out her bottom lip.

"We were having a happy walk to the club like the cute little Mercedes family we are and you just had to ruin it. You're going to make me cry, Lew."

"Devlin, don't even go there."

Lewis pointed his finger at her as they came to a stop at the corner.

"Look at what you did! I thought we weren't provoking her tonight."

Mick stepped away with one foot and gestured to them with both of her hands.

She flashed her doe-eyes in the street light. The somewhat shaded street was lit dimly. She placed her mask over her sharp facial features with a skinny set of hands. Mick tied the ribbon in the back. She helped Mick and Lewis do the same. She turned her music off as she waited. When she met Lewis's gaze again.

"Fine, you can stay in the guest room tonight."

The softness in her eyes disappeared. They went dark, like a shark hunting.

"Fuck yeah, sleepover with Roscoe."

She stepped off with power and crossed the street. She made her way to the crowd surrounding the busy club leaving the two drivers behind her.

Mick turned to his counterpart.

"You seriously just let her gaslight you."

Lewis just shook his head.

"Lets just keep her out of trouble tonight, otherwise Toto will kill us."

"No, he'll kill you."

She stepped around the crowd to a second door. She winked at the bouncer as he nodded in approval. Most of the high end clubs had bouncers who knew who was... of status. Given it was a masquerade themed night, most of the regulars were expected.

The true high end bachelors would be out and about. Devlin was always up for a little fun. In the foyer three girls chatted nervously.

Dev ran her hand across the back of the girl closest to the door. The girl turned and then shrieked before embracing her.

"God damn when don't you look good?"

The girl had taken a step back to take in the curvy figure in front of her draped in a dark blue.

"I could say the same for you girls."

They got to chatting in the foyer. Her black and gold mask reflected in the lighting.

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