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She playfully leaned on Checo's shoulder as Pierre made her laugh.

"I'm fucking serious."

His accent was always thicker the more he spoke in French, given that they were in Italy, she guessed he had been speaking it more frequently.

Checo just shook his head.

Devlin was nearly on the ground laughing. Pierre had attempted to humble her that being in Italy would mean the Ferrari fan base would be swarming to see her DNF. The points were as ever close between her and Charles. It didn't help that Lewis was also shortening the gap between him and Charles.

"I don't believe that the Tifiosi can hate me that much."

That's all she could get out between breaths. She held a hand to her stomach.

"Just wait until Monza."

She straightened herself up a little bit before wiping the pooling water from the corner of her eyes.

"You're just jealous that I stole all your fangirls."

Pierre turned red and that just sparked more laughs from the female driver.

"I've been using the Gasly Gaze to my advantage, my friend."

Checo tried to contain a stifled laugh but failed to do so. Max glanced over his shoulder at his teammate. Probably more concerned that Devlin was going to turn his supporting driver against him. Especially as Monaco neared. Sure everyone wanted to win in Monaco, yet Max and Charles were both due for a race win at the legendary track, the latter having terrible luck each year at his home race.

Yuki leaned back to speak behind Sergio's back to Devlin.

"He's just jealous you placed higher than him in Thirsty Thursday."

Beside him, Nyck let out a small laugh at his teammates comment. Pierre was already rolling his eyes when Devlin flashed him a wicked grin.

"And the master becomes the student."

Pierre just shook his head and rolled his eyes. Charles, who seemed to sense his friend's need of saving, walked over and clapped Pierre on the back. The Frenchman just set his eyes on the younger driver.

"Not all of us can just stick our ass out there."

Devlin blushed slightly but fired back her next comment.

"Sure you can, Val did."

She nodded towards the Finish driver, who winked back with a grin knowing exactly what they had been discussing.

Charles took a breath in as he obviously had no idea what type of conversion he had thrown himself into.

Devlin leaned back to speak to Yuki again.

"Wait who won this week?"

The short driver thought about it for a moment.

"I think Logan did."

Devlin shook her head as she resumed her body posture of leaning against the railing of the vehicle. They were always in need of ways to keep themselves entertained during the start of the driver parades.

Devlin cleared her throat and imitated the best American accent she could.

"I can not believe that the rookie from Florida beat me out on P1 y'all."

Checo just turned to her and shook his head. It was a miracle Nyck and Yuki didn't end up on the floor in a fit of giggles. Charles found himself smirking at her. Pierre let out a small laugh but then continued laughing but mostly at Nyck and Yuki.

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