IV ; Obstacle Ahead

390 22 18

- Don't you think it is a little weird that there's nobody at the reception, both yesterday and tonight?

Minho's eyes follow the scrolling landscape as he is waiting for an answer from the taller one.

Outside, the dark reigns and the night is completely quiet.

They've been driving for an hour already and they didn't see any other car or pedestrian.

- I found it a little weird that they just left our keys for the room on the reception desk like that, but... I guess it's nothing. What I'd like to know though is, what time it is.

Minho nods and gets his charged phone out of his back pocket. He taps some numbers on the screen to unlock the electronic gear and he reads what is displayed on it.

«11:16PM, September 26th 2023»

The dark blond haired boy frowns and blinks a couple of times. The confusion draws itself pretty quickly on his face, which makes the driver confused too.

- What's the matter?

- That's weird, it's as if my phone didn't update itself...

- Why?

- It displays for date September 26th when it should be the 27th...

It is Hyunjin's turn to frown. He turns around a corner and continues to join the highway, thinking it would be faster this way.

- Turn it off and then restart it.

Minho nods for the second time and does what he was asked to do. After a couple of seconds only, his phone turns on again and he types in his password.

- I think my phone has a problem...

Minho's phone is still displaying the same date and time.

- Take mine.

- Where is it?

- Ohh...

Hyunjin forgot his cellphone in their room, at the hotel.

Minho can't help himself but to let out a silent laugh before putting the GPS on his own phone. He puts it on the ventilation traps of the car so his friend could see it.

- I suppose you'll need this then.

- I would've been able to find my way by myself but... Thanks.

The two boys smile at each other softly before diving back into a pleasant silence.

The scenery scrolls at a certain speed on the highway and Minho enjoys the moment.

Minho never really put a foot out of Korea. He was raised there and was planning on staying there, but when Hyunjin appeared in his life, his view of things completely changed and his desires and cravings too.

The two promised each other to travel around the world one day, step by step.

Youth was the best gift they were given after all and they had to enjoy it to the fullest. Savor all the best little things in life.

Smile to life and live adventures.


- Hey, what are they doing? Move!

- Calm down little head, there probably was an accident for people to stop like this...

Minho ignores the taller one's words and frowns as he rolls down his door's window. He raises his voice and decides to make the drivers in front know about his impatience.

- Move along! There's two dudes here that want to-

Hyunjin skillfully grabs Minho's wrist to pull him towards himself and make him shut his mouth, already feeling his cheeks changing for a light and discreet pink.

- Shut the fuck up.

- Oh, come on. If they don't move, I'll move them.

While Minho keeps on complaining and playing the tough ones, the swarthy spots from the corner of his eye-although the darkness outside-a way to get out of this bulky traffic. He looks in his inner rear mirror, and then looks at the smaller one again. He reveals a glimpse of a smirk before speaking up.

- You'll do nothing. Now, an advice; never reproduce my actions.

Right after his words, Hyunjin depresses the clutch pedal and places the gearbox lever in the reverse position. He then pursues his maneuver to end up passing by the right-where a highway exit is-getting around all the immobilized cars.

He accelerates and increases speeds to impress his friend.

Of course, Minho reacts positively, both of them ending up laughing heartily.

Two real imbeciles.

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