XIX ; They Must Be Hidden In The Trees

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- Oh! Look over there!

The two boys find themselves again under the Dipway arch, having gone around the pond to join the path by which they have already passed.

- A squirrel!

Minho hurries to join the little beast and when he is close enough, he squats down to his level.

The smile he wore on his lips, however, fades quite quickly since the little animal-just like all those people they met-does not move.

It is frozen in time.

Hyunjin watches the smaller one from afar as he is the one holding the umbrella this time.

- There are a lot of squirrels in Central Park, yes. There are also pigeons normally but with the rain they had to hide in the trees. Well, before time stands still.

Minho absently listens to the taller one as he raises his hand, gently approaching the small rodent that seems soulless, lifeless.

- I guess this one was just about to do the same.

Hyunjin slowly steps forward from the smaller one and he smiles a little sadly seeing that Minho is gently stroking the top of the rodent's head.

- You know... I have a friend who looks a lot like him.

Minho, his eyes riveted on the lifeless animal, blinks, his mouth half-open as he continues to caress him.

- Really?

- Mhm. Normally, both are full of life and quite sneaky. However...

Minho already knows what Hyunjin was about to say.

He bites his lip and ends up straightening up slowly, turning his gaze to the taller one.

If time does not regain its function, then loved ones will never be able to enjoy life again.

Never again will their family be able to take them in their arms and show them their love.

A silence now fills the space and the two boys each get lost in their thoughts. What if they can't spend time with their family ever again? Laugh, have fun, build beautiful memories and create unforgettable moments with them...

Who would want to live a life where we can't rely on family or friends to feel safe, where we are motivated to surpass ourselves and where we are proud of each of our achievements?

Who will they be able to tell their trip to if no one will be there to listen to them? Who will take care of them during the most difficult times?

And if they manage to realize their dream of traveling all over the world, who will be there to see the pictures they will have captured and hear the stories and anecdotes they will have experienced during these moments?

Hyunjin and Minho end up staring at each other and at that exact moment, the two feel exactly the same and at the same time.

A part of their hearts crumbles and breaks into small pieces as they both imagine a Christmas without their family, a birthday or just a moment, however mundane it might be.

Without taking their eyes off each other, the two boys display the same expression, but Hyunjin is the one who breaks the silence that has become suffocating.

- We can't just accept to live like this... We have to find a way to solve this problem.

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